Mountain Laurel Designs was started by Ron Bell in 2002. Ron’s outdoor lightweight background spans over 40 years. Even as an Explorer Scout in the 1970s he only used an 8-ounce mesh net hammock and a military poncho as shelter. A lot of his focus on lightweight gear comes from his experience as a Search and Rescue Climber for Yosemite National Park (YOSAR). “After you sleep inside a haul bag on a big wall, you realize how little you need to reach your goals.”
Top Reviewed Mountain Laurel Designs Products

Spirit Quilt 28°
Top Quilt

Exodus FS
Weekend Pack (50-69L)

Core 28
Daypack (under 35L)

eVent Rain Mitts
Waterproof Glove/Mitten

Pack Pocket
Pack Pocket
In order to show you the most useful information, we have omitted some unreviewed products.