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Wilderness Experience Klettersack

rated 4.5 of 5 stars

Wilderness Experience is no longer in business, and the Klettersack has been discontinued. If you're looking for something new, check out the best daypacks for 2025.

photo: Wilderness Experience Klettersack daypack (under 35l)

Purchased my Wilderness Experience Klettersack in 1975-1977? in Chico, California, where they had a cottage industry. I took this-below-picture this morning 6-26-2013: 35 plus years later and it is still going.

It is used regularly still, and it has carried books through 9 college campuses over all those years. It was and still is a great product.

It could use new shoulder straps but it still is functional the way  it is!

Michael Cudak


Source: bought it new

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