Vapur Incognito Flexible Flask

Convenient, light, flexible, and covert way to carry drinks into the backcountry. Recommended for those looking for a way to bring adult beverages into the woods.
- Lightweight
- Flexible
- Self-standing
- Tough to fill
- Hard to clean
I have used Vapur bottles in the past and enjoyed the opportunity to test a version of the bottles designed for adult beverages.
I received two different Vapur bottles to test. One was the Vintage Flexible Wine Carrier and the other was this Incognito Flexible Flask. My review of the Flexible Wine Carrier can be found by clicking on the link. Both bottles came with a bottle pourer to help transfer wine or liquor from there store bought bottles to the Vapur bottle.
Also both bottles are freezable, BPA-free, and stand when filled. I really liked the freezable feature of traditional Vapur bottles and am glad these versions are capable of freezing as well with breaking.
The flexible flask holds 10 oz. of liquid which is more than enough liquor for a few days on the trail. This amount is also, roughly, the size of a mixed drink.
During my testing I looked at how durable, flexible, and covert the flask was as well as if there was a flavor transfer between uses.
I found that Vapur makes a very durable plastic bottle. To test this I filled the bottle and stepped on it applying about half of my weight.
The small size of the flask made for easy carrying inside of my jacket or even in a pant pocket as well as more traditional locations like the water bottle holder on a pack.
When I carried the full flask in my jacket it sat flat against my body and did not impact my movements.
When empty the flask rolls up very small and can be tucked away in hip belt pockets, top lids, or the 5th pocket of a pair of jeans.
The two challenges I had with the flask were filling and cleaning. The spout of the flask is less than half an inch in diameter. The provided pourer just about fits inside to transfer liquor from a bottle to the flask. Transferring a mixed drink is slightly more challenging because there are not a lot of funnels on the market with that small of a tip.
The small spout also made cleaning a challenge. My method has been to fill the flask with a little water and drop some soap and mix it around. Due to the cleaning challenge, there was some residual flavor transfer between uses. I did not find this to be a really big deal and it did not impact my enjoyment of the drink.
Having dedicated adult beverage carries may not seem necessary and I don’t know if I would have purchased them on my own. However, now that I have tested out this system I would absolutely pick up a set of these carriers. Their lightweight construction means I am only adding the weight of the liquid, they are durable, they roll up tightly when not in use, and they allow me to separate bottles for different uses to limit flavor contamination.
These are a useful and well-made system to bring some creature comforts into the backcountry.
Source: received for testing via the Trailspace Review Corps
(Samples provided by Vapur for testing and reviewVintage Flexible Wine Carrier)