Trangia 25-1 UL

I've used the 25-1 mostly for the cookware. Basically the Trangia burner is a little slow, and I tend to leave it at home and use a Primus Omnifuel instead. The Omnifuel can simmer pretty well, and you can also have a load of food and coffee cooked up in the time it takes an alcohol stove to bring water to a boil.
However, the Trangia is still a superb piece of kit in its own right.
For a start, the burner is near unbreakable. It is probably literally impossible to break it by accident. you can fill it with alcohol, cook, use the simmer ring to lessen the flame or extinguish it, and then screw on the lid (with O-ring) which saves the remainder of fuel for future use. It's also totally quiet, a nice change from the Omnifuel.
The cookware is well designed, everything packs down into a compact bundle, and even this basic model (there are non-stick, anodised and titanium alternatives) is pretty easy to clean.
The problems I've had with the Trangia are not major. The pan warps pretty easily, and the gripper handle is a little delicate, and the burner seems a little heavy. However I'd prefer a heavy burner to a delicate one, so it seems like a fair trade.
The bottom line with Trangia gear is it doesn't cost that much and it lasts forever, I would certainly recommend it.
Price Paid: 379 SEK