Trailspace Performance Trucker Hat and TentLab DirtSaw Deuce

Need a stylish hat and want to represent your favorite outdoors gear review site? GET THIS HAT NOW!
Tired of cheap plastic dirt diggers busting while out in the middle of nowhere? Fugettaboutit! TheTentLab Dirt Saw Deuce is the answer. You'd have to intentionally try to break it before it will give up. Pack this with you on your next outback trip!
- Hat: Stylish, comfortable, breathable and moisture-wicking!
- DirtSaw Deuce: ultra-light, very sturdy, serated edges to get the job done.
- Weaknesses? WHAT WEAKNESSES?!

Actually, more than a review, this is a THANK YOU! to Trailspace. Imagine being named a Top 25 Reviewer of 2023! Oh, so many thank yous: first, my agent...<25 screens later>...and of course,! Thank you so much, I won't forget you all as my career skyrockets off of this award! :-)
Really, though: the hat, remarkably, was received already adjusted correctly for my head—how often does that happen??? It's a nice hat, made by Headsweats. Moisture wicking fabric, breathable, lightweight and quick-drying: what more could you want in a trucker hat?
The headband and front liner material is also quite soft and feels good on the forehead. And the logo!!! It's "Trailspace - Outdoor Gear Reviews"! Tre' stylish! Now everybody (because of my new legion of followers) will be going to the hottest outdoors gear review website!
But that's not all! Oh, no, my friends, Trailspace lavished on the prizes for 2023 and I also received a customized DirtSaw Deuce (hee-hee!) from TheTentLab. Not quite as long as the ubiquitous orange plastic dirt diggers, this is a finely designed and certainly sturdier aluminum tool for the outback (pun intended). I mean, those plastic jobs always seem to break at a critical personal moment, amiright? And for you ultra-light packers, it's a mere 17 grams! That's only 4 grams heavier than a 12oz aluminum can. This is a nice piece of kit.
Caveat: Unless you are practicing "100 yards off the trail" for your bathroom needs, you really should be packing out ALL of your waste. Nobody enjoys this (but if you do, well, more power to you) but we all need to be good outdoors citizen!
In all seriousness: Thank you, Trailspace!
I've been wearing hats almost my whole life and pooping on a daily basis since birth!
Source: received it as a personal gift (Top 25 Reviewer prize from Trailspace)
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Where to Buy
Or you may want to check for a dealer list or direct sales on the Trailspace website.
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