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Streamlight Septor

rated 4.5 of 5 stars
photo: Streamlight Septor headlamp

The Septor is a headlamp manufactured by Streamlight. It is powered by 3AAA batteries and features 7 5mm LEDs with 3 levels of brightness.

The Septor is constructed of a tough ABS polymer and has a polycarbonate one piece bezel/lens with a black rubber shroud. It has a racheting attachment to an elastic head strap. The light uses 3 AAA batteries which are inserted horizontally with a plastic battery carrier. The battery compartment is sealed with a black plastic cap, which is a push and turn bayonet type lock. The light source is 7 5mm LEDs, with a plastic reflector. The switch is a rubber 'one touch' push-button. It does not really click or toggle, it electronically activates the different light modes. Both the battery compartment cap and the bezel are sealed with O-rings for water resistance. Expect it to survive a dunk, but nothing more than a few feet.

The overall construction is very sturdy. It has survived drops from 5 feet onto a concrete surface. The rubber bezel helps absorb impact, and the LEDs themselves are not prone to shock as an Incandescant lamp is.

Push the button once, you activate 1 LED. 1 LED will run at least 24 hours before reaching 50% brightness, while still providing useful light for at least another 15-20 hours. Press the button again, to turn on 3 LEDs. This will likely last around 12 hours until 50% brightness. Push again to activate all 7 LEDs. This will last a few hours near maximum brightness, but will dim quickly. It will continue to provide useable light for many hours even on the highest setting. Press the button again and the light turns off.

-The head band is fairly comfortable, and can be adjusted for both circumference and height. The light itself is not too heavy, and can be angled up or down about 90 degrees.

- The ratchet on the light was very annoying. This was easily removed. The hinge can be adjusted to tighten the pivoting of the head. You will probably want to apply some Lock-Tite to prevent it from loosening over time.

- The LEDs are bluish white, though not as bad as some cheaper bluish purple tinted LEDs. They produce a very nice, soft flood, useful for camp duties or power outages or reading. The reflector of the light is nearly useless, and just creates 'artifacts' in the beam. I removed the reflector and now I have pure smooth light with not lines or spots from the reflector.

- The light is not exceptionally bright, even on 7 LEDs, but it is still very useful. I mainly use the 1 LED setting, and have used it many times while backpacking. 1 LED provides enough light to do most camp chores. It also conserves batteries. I was still using the included OE batteries after 6 months.

- I found myself using the 1 LED setting 90+% of the time, while the other 10% was mostly the 7 LED setting for longer range use. Because the 7 LED setting is not siginificantly more powerful, I would recommend a Streamlight Trident instead, which features 1 LED, 3 LEDs, or a Xenon lamp for long range use. The 7 LEDs simply do not have long range throw. They do provide more flood, but for most uses 1 or 3 LEDs is enough. The Trident is also available in a Green version which features 1 Green LED which does not spook wildlife.

- The switch is my one complaint about the light. You have to cycle through all three modes before you can turn it off again. When your eyes have adjusted to 1 LED and you have to go to full power again just to turn it off, it can be annoying. This drawback may not be a concern to some, but may be a major flaw to others.

A great light for camping, backpacking, or emergency use.

Good value
Fairly bright, good tint on LEDs
Good construction, fairly sturdy
Comfortable head band

User has to cycle through all three modes
7 LED setting is not significantly more powerful

Price Paid: $29.99

Great tough waterproof headlamp. Long battery life.


  • Waterproof
  • Bombproof
  • Bright
  • No glare from above for eyeglass wearers.


  • No spot to flood adjustment
  • Not very lightweight

Had one of these for more than a year now, and it's actually the replacement for a Streamlight Trident Headlamp. Nothing the matter with the Trident, the Septor just has more LED's, and no Xenon bulb. No xenon = longer battery life.

Anyhoo, the Septor has been dropped, bashed into things, dunked, used in the pouring rain sleet and snow, left sitting in salty bilge water, left sitting forgotten on the wood stove, and chewed on by a wolf-dog... 

...And the dang thing still works! I've abused some gear in my life, but this Streamlight has taken more than the average, and held up better than could possibly be expected. Honestly, I should have had to buy a new one when I left it on the stove. But nope, just had replace the headband with the band from my Trident. (Heat killed elasticity.) But there was no damage to the plastic of the light itself. Even some battery acid that leaded out only "smoked" the surface of the battery pod, and was easily cleaned off with a bit of mineral oil. 

All that said; the light itself is a slightly blue cool white that is a decent blend between spot and flood...  ...Decent...  Not perfect.

The only real complaint I have is the non-adjustability of the beam. From a few inches away with one LED, to 50 feet away with all 7 LED's the light is excellent. but after 50 feet, the light quality drops dramatically. (The lack of focus really hurts there.) Aside from that though, the only other quibble I have is that it's a bit heavy. Not headache causing heavy, but you know it's there. 

One awesome thing about the light is that the lens is recessed back a bit and there's no glare reflecting off the lens to my eye glasses. One huge problem I have with cheaper LED headlamps that have no shading lip on the lens; GLARE! Can't see a dang thing when a light-source is directly above ones eyes and some of the light is being projected straight down onto my eyeglasses. Never have that problem with the Septor.

Never had any problems with the battery life either. I have no idea of exactly how many hours it'll run on a set of Energizers or Duracells, but I have yet to change the second set of batteries, and it's still pretty dang bright after dozens of hours of run time. (Two or three dozens, at least!) Anyways, it's a pretty sweet light. Easy to use single button; click once, twice, thrice for one, three, or seven LED's, then once more for off.

All in all, quite a good light for close-in work and play, but not the best if a true spotlight is needed. Great for camping, close quarter work in a dark area, anywhere that a REALLY tough light is needed. And needed to not fail. It'll stand up to SEVERE abuse, and still save your butt when you ask it to.

Source: received it as a personal gift

I've been in Search and Rescue for well over 30 years and have tried everything from my Maglite 6 D cell fire starter to my Petzl Mega. Each has its own valuable uses, but for down and dirty ultra-dependabiliy and general usefulness I count on my Spector hands down. I have absolutely no concerns about battery life or blown bulbs when I'm in the field with the Septor. Its battery life can, and does, run circles around my poor 53-year-old body...I burn out long before the batteries will!

The scale of satisfaction only goes to 5 but I'd double that in a heartbeat!
Mike D'Antonio
New York State DEC Crew Boss

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Price Current Retail: $30.37
Historic Range: $30.37-$49.99
Reviewers Paid: $29.99
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