Red Rock Outdoor Gear Element Day Pack

This is a great compact daypack that I have used alone on quick hikes for an afternoon and also when I did a four-day camping trip when hiking the Pocono Mountains. It was sturdy and a great size with a pocket for my hydration bladder. The padded mesh back made for a comfortable trip in hot weather hiking.
- Durability
- Size and structure
- The MOLLE webbing
- I think any concealed carry pocket should be a closed pocket, IMO
I liked that the shoulder straps were padded and the back was meshed for when I got hot while hiking. I like to go lightweight and appreciated the cinch straps to tighten my load. I am an average sized woman and it fit great. I was comfortable with every trip.
I used this pack several weekends last year on individual hiking and overnight camping trips, probably a total of 20 times so far. I see no evidence of stitch ripping, no zipper malfunctions and no outer abrasions. I got caught twice in the rain and it held up without soaking all of the inside contents.
I love the Molle webbing. I attached an extra jacket, my bed roll, and a pouch with my first aid stuff, plus a protective pouch with my cell phone.
I have several backpacks for different types of trips. I love hiking and I go often. This pack is one of my favorites because it can be compact but still able to carry all of the important stuff. I do lots of overnights camping and wilderness terrain. It's very comfortable to wear.
Source: bought it new
Price Paid: $55 retail online