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Red Ledge Rain Gear Pants

rated 2.0 of 5 stars

The Rain Gear Pants has been discontinued. If you're looking for something new, check out the best waterproof pants for 2025.

photo: Red Ledge Rain Gear Pants waterproof pant

The jacket and pants survived their first encounter with moisture -- light mist on a mountain top -- without incident. However, on their next outing, during which it rained steadily for three days, both jacket and pants soaked through within an hour. My Gore-Tex-clad companions remained warm and dry.

To Red Ledge's -- and the Kittery Trading Post's -- credit, I was able to return the "rain gear" for a full refund.

I've since invested in a Gore-Tex ensemble, which has proven itself worthy of the investment several times over.

Fabric: TH4/polyurethane coating
Price Paid: $140

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Price Historic Range: $49.95
Reviewers Paid: $140.00

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