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Ozark Trail 16' x 10.5' Family Dome Tent

rated 3.5 of 5 stars

The 16' x 10.5' Family Dome Tent has been discontinued. If you're looking for something new, check out the best tents and shelters for 2025.

photo: Ozark Trail 16' x 10.5' Family Dome Tent tent/shelter
Version reviewed: Model WMT-1610

Wal-Mart Special! What more to say?!? I guess if you have kids that want to play in it, it would be fine. I do not recommend taking it camping!!! The first one I set up was in the fall (supposed to be a 3-season). It snowed a few inches and it completely caved in breaking all the shock-corded fiber glass poles. Shoddy product!!! Even when you set it up you can actually hear the poles crackling.

Well, I took it back to Wal-Mart and they replaced the entire tent even though it was about six months old. Nice of them to do that! It is definitely a family tent so forget about setting it up by yourself. One person needs to be inside to help hoist up the tent and hold it in place while you force the poles into the ring-&-pin holders. The netting has many flaws in it (not a nice smooth texture as in better quality tents).

The stitching is shoddy and sloppy. In many places the stitching is missing and in other places it looks like the machine sewing it got stuck in the same place which put a gob of thread in one area. Long threads were left hanging all over the inside of the tent. There are also many long threads around the zippers so if you do not cut them off they get stuck in the zipper! It is impossible to get it nice and square so that it is pulled taught so that rain will flow off of it instead of pooling in pockets. The flooring is especially not cut square.

The only good thing about it is the size is great for single people that like a lot of room or for a family/friends of 3 for absolute comfort. Also, if you don't use the rain fly and the wind blows, it actually lifts the tent enough to separate the shock-corded poles which again makes the tent collapse. If you know the wind will blow I would recommend using some Duct Tape on each and every pole connection to help hold them together. The only other nice thing I can really say about it is the color scheme is nice!

Bottom of the barrel: don't waste your money unless your kids want it for in the yard to play in!

Design: 3 Season 16' X 10.5' Family Dome Tent
Sleeps: 6+
Ease of Setup: Horribly difficult for a single person; difficult for 2 people.
Weight: Not sure but estimate it to be about 15-20 pounds.
Price Paid: $90-ish

I bought this tent for light summer use because it was cheap and big enough to stand up in. Wal-mart does not sell this tent in the U.K., however another supermarket Tesco does, but not as an 'Ozark Trail'. I found these reviews only after having bought the tent, so I was expecting trouble right from the start.

After reading the reviews here, I decided to seal the entire tent with Grangers Fabsil. The tent fabric was such that it only took about three pints to cover the tent and fly sheet. I also sealed the two floor seams with a seam sealant. The fly sheet has taped seams, but none of the inner seams are taped. It has survived some heavy downpours with no leaks.

So far, I am very pleased with it. It is perfectly possible for one person to set it up as long as it is not windy. I have taken the precaution of buying a large tarp to use as a 'footprint', to protect what is a thin sewn in groundsheet. Overall I am happy with my tent, but can see that this design would not cope well with high winds or driving rain.

Design: extended dome
Sleeps: 6+
Ease of Setup: Easy, takes one person about 15 minutes. Even easier with two.
Weight: 12 Kg
Price Paid: £60

Upon initial set up in the backyard, I was very impressed. I have only bought Coleman tents in the past and have been very happy with them. The only reason I bought a new tent was for more space, which this tent provided at a resonable price. Setup was typical for this size tent - definitely a two person job. We planned on camping for a week and ended up only camping for five days because of the tent's incapacity to keep us dry.

It rained about every other day, and after the first night there were puddles on both ends of the tent. The windows leaked big time and the rainfly pole over the door kept falling over, soaking the front of the tent. In order for this tent to be worth buying, I would recommend it only for very dry climates, or purchasing the biggest tarp you can find to supplement the rainfly - and for the price you would pay for the tarp, plus the added annoyance of setting that up over the tent, you might as well just get a better tent.

Sleeps: 6+
Price Paid: $74.56

I had a Hillary tent that I had brought from Sears. The thing wore like iron and was amazingly waterproof. I use the thing on the beach at many many campsites it was a 6 foot dome style, just enough to stand up when you are putting your clothes on.

When the thing finally wore out I thought I would spring for something with a little bit more room. I got a 16' x 10.5' family Dome tent by Ozark Trail. The thing was fairly complex and that it was kind of mediocre, my main complaint is, unlike my Hillary it was absolutely not waterproof at all. It seemed like the rain came right through the top and formed a large puddles on the tent floor.

There was a procedure for pre-dampening it to somehow activate its waterproof properties, total BS. It is a big and roomy tent but overall you might want to shop around unless you are really strapped for bucks.

Price Paid: $70

I have bought four tents of the Ozark Trail dome in the past 1 1/2 years. I like to go camping. They leak all over even after I sprayed them with the sealer. They are the sorriest tents I have ever bought. I have exchanged two tents after the first use, even those leaked. It is a waste of good money to be throwing away on tents. I could have used a bed sheet and stayed drier.

It says the most comprehensive "stay dry" technology on the market to keep you drier and more comfortable in wet weather. Well, let me tell you that you will stay wettier than anything if you stay in them. The top flap comes with pin holes in it. As large as the end if a pencil lead. So I have wasted around $400 in a year and a half trying to get a tent that don't leak. If you ever make one let me know where to buy it.

Design: family dome tent
Sleeps: 6+
Ease of Setup: prety easy to set up
Weight: about 10 to 15 lbs.
Price Paid: around $99


I got this tent several years ago on short notice and needed in a pinch for a car camping trip. I had to get this on the road.

I have used it quite frequently and rate this average. The zippers are of poor quality. The waterproof is good and has endured many a rainstorm. It has plenty of sleeping space and storage space as well.

I would recommend that if you want to get a family sized tent in this category, to check other tent makers and purchase there.

Price Paid: $40

I got this tent for summer and fall; so far it has been great, the size is the best part. I can fit six people in with guyer plus the front side zipper pockets are helpful.

The bad news is the rain leaks, the “GoBeDry” rain protection system just does not work. I sprayed the tent after the first use (I feel a tent should get a test run without water sealant the first time then if it leaks I will spray it with sealant). This tent leaked a little the first time after only one hour of rain. Then after putting sealant on the sides and rain-fly with spray and seam seal stick it still leaked. Lastly after only five times using it the shock cord pole for the rain-fly broke (the cord snapped).

Design: Family Dome
Sleeps: 6+
Ease of Setup: One experienced person or two novices
Weight: 10-15 pounds
Price Paid: $90

LOL! All tents leak until you rainproof them! Unless a tent specifically says that it has been rainproofed, then the 1st thing you should do when you get yer new tent home is get something like scotchgard, or spray polyurethane, and coat both the tent (especially the seams), and the rainfly!

Though I didn't rainproof this tent right away, it didn't leak that bad anyway. Plenty of room was a plus (easily fits a queen sized airbed maybe 2, and a decent ceiling height also was good. Can be set up by 1 person, but much easier with 2 people.

Bad things about the tent are 1. weak loop material where the poles and stakes fit into. 2. the zipper is cheap and doesnt take long before it stopped zipping properly.

Overall, certainly was worth $53 from wally world.

Design: family dome
Sleeps: 6+
Ease of Setup: easy
Price Paid: $53

I love the tent, lots of room and goes up easily and comes down easily. My problem is that a couple of weeks ago we went camping and it rained. As I can see from the previous reviews the tent leaks. I have seen no resolution. Can I put some kind of silicone water-guard on the rain flap?????

I can't believe the GoBedry card that was inside the test box. Not a thing on that card was true. We had water leaks on several parts of the tent we had to put out towels to absorb the rain. There should be some sort of recall or someone who manufactured this product should be ashamed of themselves. Replace the rain fly!!!

Design: Great
Sleeps: 6+
Ease of Setup: Reasionable
Weight: Not hard at all
Price Paid: Not Sure

I bought this tent for a sort trip with three small children. The price was reasonable, the size was wonderful, the set- up easy. We discovered during set-up that the rain fly was torn and than discovered that the zipper for the front door was also defective, but Walmart replaced the tent for us with very little fuss. Even though we did encounter some minor problems -- that I'll admit could have been big problems if we had encountered rain -- we would not hesitate to recommend this tent to other families because it did hold up to the rigors of small children. Overall it was worth the price and a good product.

Design: family dome tent
Sleeps: 6+
Ease of Setup: easy 15-20 minute set-up
Price Paid: $68.73

I bought this tent to take my family out camping so my kids could experience the pleasure of the outdoors like I did when I was a kid. Everything was great until it come a Florida rain Saturday. We would have been better off with a bed sheet. This thing has holes on the seams as big as a ink pin head. The water poured in like crazy! So we had to pack up everything wet and listen to my kids complain about how much they hate camping!! THANKS ALOT NORTHPOLE LIMITED!! I will never buy another product from you or another tent from WAL-MART.

Design: 16' x 10.5'
Sleeps: 6+
Ease of Setup: fairly easy except for rainfly
Weight: 20 to 30lbs.
Price Paid: $78

This is a great tent spacious, versatile, and the zippered pockets in the front are great. The biggest of my problems with this tent was maybe a zipper getting stuck, but that is understandable. It does take a little longer to set up (about 10 min.) but that's just a price you have to pay for the size of this tent. Also for the guy that has the first review, no joke the tent collapsed snow is fairly heavy and then did you even set the tent up correctly. Your problem not mine. Great tent, price, and versatility, kudos to Ozark Trail.

Design: Warm weather Dome
Sleeps: 6+
Ease of Setup: medium
Weight: 25 lbs
Price Paid: about $100

We bought this tent a year ago just on a whim to start taking the little ones camping. It is excellent! It's simple to put up (no fights with the hubby) and I can take it down and fit it back in its bag, by myself. We've been through several storms, one even severe over Memorial Day, and it has never leaked on us. Even the wind never caved it in. We've had several friends borrow it, and go buy one after using ours. No complaints here. It's been an excellent tent for us!

Design: 15 x 10 family dome tent
Sleeps: 6+
Ease of Setup: Easy
Weight: don't know
Price Paid: about $100

Love the tent and took it to river a couple of times and even took it to the mountains in the fall for elk hunting and never had a problem with getting wet when it rains like a lot of the others said.

But the only problem i got is that the poles are falling apart because of the elastic cording inside them is rotted out. i can't find anywhere to fix the problem so i will have to retire it and buy a new one soon.

Sleeps: 6+
Ease of Setup: easy to set up

We used this tent a few times and lost the rain fly, first time we used it rained and didn't have problem but the zipper broke and got stuck. The second time we used I can't find a new rain fly anyway. We bought this tent maybe 4 years ago they shouldn't discontinue a line so fast. That upsets me because they know if you can't get new parts you will buy a new one, not right or eco friendly.

Price Paid: $100

Hello out there. We have this tent. But we can not use it. Our granddaughter used it one time and lost the rain fly.

I called the company to order another one. Waited on line for 40 minutes to find out they do not make them any more!

If anyone out there has a rain fly they will sell, please
let me know. Thank you.

I have used this tent many years. As with any tent you need to glue the seams to prevent leaks. One summer we went camping and for three days in rained and rained. Not a drop of water got inside. Plus we had plenty of room just to move around. To anyone who needs a good size tent that is leak proof, this is it.

Price Paid: Don't remember

When I first set up this tent I was surprised how HUGE it was. Simple to set up (the rainfly is a little hard to set up) yet it has a small leaking problem not is if you were to take a knife to the roof and stab it three times but the rainfly is a bit too apart from the tent.

Design: Doesn't get wind damage (heh it could probably be outside in an f0 tornado and part of the rainfly only comes off
Sleeps: 3
Ease of Setup: see below
Weight: 11 lbs (?) 16 with rainfly (?)
Price Paid: $90.95

It is a great tent, very spacious. It does leak, the only way to stay perfectly dry is to drape your own tarp over the top under the rainfly to keep it in place. Then you will stay dry all night. If you do not have a tarp then you will get wet.

Sleeps: 6+
Ease of Setup: Very simple to set up
Price Paid: $49

I really like the height and room of this tent. The extra pockets that just out with a zipper are a nice addition. I can set this tent up by myself.

Without the instruction manual, I can't figure out how to keep the poles of the rain fly stationary. Any help?

Sleeps: 6+
Ease of Setup: easy

Yeah it definitely leaks. I had a huge Texas rainstorm come and it made everything wet. So I went out and got 2 tarps and draped them over the top and tied them down to the tent. Now it's dry in there. Overall it's a great tent for the price.

Design: Dome
Sleeps: 6+
Ease of Setup: Ehh 2 people
Weight: 14
Price Paid: $85

This fabulous tent was erected in minutes with the help of a 10-year-old and a 5-year-old. Minutes after setup the sky opened up the rain fell for 12+ hours. My children and I stayed dry all through the night, and had a wonderful camping experience despite the weather. AWESOME TENT!!!!!!!

Sleeps: 6+
Ease of Setup: super easy
Weight: 10 pounds
Price Paid: $90

I love this tent. I have owned several in my day but this one is very durable. I was skeptical when I originally purchased it. Now I tell everyone this is the one they need.

Good product...Thanks.

Sleeps: 6+
Price Paid: Around $60

My daddy got this tent and we were going to go camping but there was no directions so please help me go camping by sending me the directions at

The tent is good for the money, however, i got it end of season last year and when we went camping this year, it had no rainfly/canopy.

I love the tent's size but has little leaks in the corners. Should have bought a Coleman.

Sleeps: 6+
Ease of Setup: 2 person

I got the tent gave to me and it did not have instructions. Can anyone help me?

Sleeps: 6+

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Price Reviewers Paid: $40.00-$100.00

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