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Ozark Trail 12' x 10' Family Dome Tent

rated 3.5 of 5 stars

The 12' x 10' Family Dome Tent has been discontinued. If you're looking for something new, check out the best tents and shelters for 2025.

I love this tent and thought I'd share what I love about it, as well as the few nitpicks I have. It is as many others have said, well ventilated. Proof of that is I used a propane grill to heat the inside of my tent (I'll cover that in a bit) and the ventilation was adequate enough to keep fresh air flowing where it was safe to do this. I have used other tents where this was not possible and under the circumstances I'm about to cover you would have had to freeze. i

I purchased this tent at a local Wal-mart prior to going on a dirt biking trip with friends in March. for those who don't know, March in Colorado means sudden snowstorms and REALLY cold nights in the mountains (even though the days are warm).

This tent, still new in the cardboard box inside the carry bag and never set up, was the best thing to happen to me. We got where we were going in late evening, and that night (about 20 minutes after arriving) we started feeling frozen droplets. In less than 5 minutes it was snowing hard, and looking off the ridge we were on (which is not ideal for a tent because the top of a ridge is always hardest hit by severe weather, but safer from flash flooding and avalanches than down in a valley) we could see a blizzard with 100% white out conditions and it was heading our way FAST.

Having never set up this tent before going out (which ANY tent should be set up before going out) we broke it out of the carry bag, cut the tape on the cardboard box and pulled it out (I'd like to note I also purchased coghlan tent pegs with this tent) and proceeded to set it up with NO TIME to read the sewn in instructions. We put down a drop cloth (i.e. a tarp) and spread out the tent, faced the door AWAY from the direction of the blowing wind, and staked down 2 corners to keep it from blowing away (the wind now blowing a steady 15 mph according to the wind gage we took along).

We assembled the shock corded poles IN THE DARK (no previous setup) and with driving snow, slide them into place on the tent. 2 guys hooked in the rear corners while 2 of us bent the poles (erecting the tent upright) into place and hooked them in the front corners. We then attached quick clips, while 2 guys took the rainfly, put it into place, and put in the rainfly pole. We then finished staking the tent down and guying out the tent and rainfly.

Wind was now blowing at a constant 30mph and snow driving HARD. We piled in, lit a lantern and were all very cold. I went out to my truck, place cooler outside tent (not knowing how long it would snow, but please don't do this unless a situation similar as it's not advisable due to bears) and grabbed my propane grill and 3 propane bottles preparing for the worst. Lit the propane grill inside the tent and soon the tent was warm enough to take off our jackets. We then set up sleeping bags, etc. Put coats on, turned the grill to the lowest setting and went to sleep.

In the morning we woke up to a STILL warm tent (grill still running of course) and 20 inches of snow on the ground and about 10 inches still on the tent. Tapped tent walls and snow slid right off the dome. That day it all melted and tent stayed dry inside while the fabric dried very quickly.

We found out in the morning from a ranger who had came to check on us, that during the night the ridge we camped on took winds up to 65 mph during the night, and tent did not sustain any damage from the winds. That's what I like about its performance.

Here's the reason I only gave it 4 and a half stars though. My biggest complaint is the poles to the tent. They are fiberglass (which when fiberglass tent poles are made a certain amount of plastic is added to the mix to keep the fiberglass from breaking as it is bent and flexed). These poles that came with it had more plastic mixed in with the fiberglass than they should have. Therefore they are fragile.

During set up one of the guys stepped on one of the poles breaking it. During the night some of the snow broke the other pole (both were in the section at the very end). This was easily repaired with a coghlan's tent pole repair kit.

Later had poles break in another section after water got down inside a pole joint and froze breaking it. I then purchased several of the coghlan's tent pole repair kits and made myself a new set of poles. These poles are MUCH more durable, have been through similar abuse and have not broke.

Overall for the money, the performance, and as stated above the ease of setup and use, and durability in conditions considered more adverse than a tent of this type is made for; I would recommend this tent to anyone or any family wanting to start camping and needing a BIG tent at a very reasonable price.

I'd like to note that after reporting my findings to the manufacturer they have revamped the poles (even sent me a set of the new type) and the new poles are much more durable now (just don't step on them as any tent pole isn't made for that).

One person can easily set up this tent in less than 8 minutes (once they've set it up one time so they are familiar with setup procedures) which is great if you have bad weather or bad weather is moving in. It is lightweight enough to be packable (to a reasonable extent) and holds up very well to some conditions most people will never put it to.

Again if you are a family needing BIG tent at a great price that is durable and comfortable in ALL weather conditions this is a great tent for the price.

Two post notes: 1. as with any tent to keep from having leaks around the corners, follow manufacturer's suggestion and put down a ground cloth/tarp first.

2. if you KNOW it's going to rain more than 48 hours continuous, stretch out a tarp over the top of it, as the rainfly only holds up to 48 hours of continuous rain before you start seeing leaks. These are simple fast steps that can be done super quick during set up.

I'm happy with this tent and will no longer be looking for anything better.

Design: dome
Sleeps: 6+
Ease of Setup: one person can set this up in less than 8 minutes after becoming familiar with the tent
Price Paid: $39.98

Roomy, but could be more durable.


  • Price
  • Size
  • Easy to pitch


  • Cloth prone to UV damage
  • Mesh prone to mildew
  • Neat little awning bump on rain-fly fails in high winds

I initially bought the Ozark Trail Family Dome tent because of its price and I had had some success and enjoyment with the Ozark Trail brand in the past. This is one of your cheapest dollars-per-square-foot options out there.

It performed admirably at first, being easy to set up and re-stow in the provided ruck-sack. It has generous mesh D-windows, and a full rain-fly. The gear storage sacks are situated on opposite corners of the room.

The basin first started leaking at the start of its second summer outings. The cloth rapidly became UV brittle, and each time I pitched it I worried it might rip. The rain fly has a small 3-section pole that makes a nice bump out for an awning over the entry, but this feature fails in stormy weather, when it would be most useful. The shock corded poles are fiberglass and never failed.

The zippers remained free throughout, but the main entry inside zipper pull failed, leaving it operable, if not a little awkward to start from the inside. The stakes provided are aluminum wire and bend easily in packed dirt, so you will end up buying sturdier replacements for most types of camping. The mesh on one window mildewed from wet storage, and several small holes resulted, making that window unusable midway through the second summer.

I had already decided this was it's undoing when the final time I pitched it in the yard the fly ripped. Obviously the materials used here are for very casual camping, and it's still a good value, but if you plan on doing a good bit of camping in your purchase (and not having to throw an old one out so quickly) mid-range tents could be a viable option.

Source: bought it new
Price Paid: $149

Bought this tent about 30 years ago. Still does great.


  • Ease of setup
  • Secure
  • Lasts a long time
  • Lightweight
  • Lots of room


  • Color faded.

My wife and I bought this tent at Wal-mart when our son and daughter were about 12 and 9 respectively. They are 43 and 40 now. They could help set up the tent at 12 and 9. Our daughter's daughter (now 18) took it this weekend on her first solo campout.

We're still using original poles. The tent is tight enough with some sagging...same as me! With a ground tarp and stakes, it is very stable and yet very light weight.

I haven't had any leaks, such as others have reported. Haven't had to use the fly very often, but when I did, it did its job. I had a Coleman heater I used a time or two, but lost it in a move. Now using a propane bottle one burner stove and heater.

The mesh top allows for good ventilation. Some condensation on cool/cold mornings, but nothing insurmountable. Good breeze during hot days.

The last time I personally used the tent, I had a cot, a camp chair, and grand daughter's air mattress and sleeping bag and a small plastic camp table inside. Still had plenty of room to move around and store my and my granddaughter's gear (she was about 14 then).

It's amazing how the tent, poles, and fly all fit into the carry-bag and I can still carry it at age 69. Although I expect limited opportunity to use one, I'm hoping to be able to find a new one, just in case. I'll keep the old one as well.

Source: bought it new
Price Paid: Don't remember, but it wasn't much.

I bought this tent in December 2005. I had a small 4 by 6 tent that everyone laughed at when we went camping. So my wife and I bought this one.

I haven't regretted that decision. There is ample space for both of us, large loft for flashlight and other stuff can fit in the side pockets.

I was concerned about waterproofing and I was not disappointed, in Trinidad (W.I.) the weather can change suddenly because of a change in rainfall patterns, the dry season is no longer dry. Well three times we camped through very heavy rains one shower lasted about six hours, one all night, whilst the other campers were running to put up extra covers we my wife and I were dry and snug.

The second year we camped I was surprised to see when after 6 hours of rain when I returned to the tent from the beach which was not too far away that there were only two small drops of water on he floor, the floor of the tent mostly got wet from going in and out.

The poles I think are a bit fragile though so I am extra careful when setting up no to put too much stress on them after setting up however they hold out quite well even with very strong breeze.

Tip for those who camp, ensure that the tent is pulled tightly this ensures quick runoff of water. Also always put some form of plastic on the ground under the tent this keeps ground water from seeping up, finally keep bags away from the tent sides this reduces surface tension and leads to leaking.

Anyhow I'm 2 weeks away form camping season and I can't wait, already got my tent out dried and cleaned for the season.

Design: dome three season free standing
Sleeps: 6+
Ease of Setup: Easy enough but needs to be set up before to get hang if not accustomed
Weight: between 5 - 10 pounds

Overall I like this tent! It's easy to put up, spacious, and nice looking. It's big enough for a family of four, a dog and all the gear, or for myself and my dog and gear with space for the dog to roam at night without getting into stuff. With the rainfly, nice and private, without the rainfly, a nice screen tent, and can keep the door zippered closed and keep the bugs out while airing the tent out during the day.

The only complaint I have is the zippers on the rain fly for the end openings. To open them, it's not a problem. But for a short stop like me, 5ft 2in., being able to reach the zipper tab to close the opening when it starts to rain or gets a bit too breezy, I can't reach it when open. I did remedy the situation though, I tied a nylon string onto the zipper pull tab and made it long enough to reach the string without having to step on the tent wall.

I also bought a heavy duty tarp to put under the tent when I set it up to protect the floor of the tent from being damaged by sharp sticks, or pieces of glass etc. that may be on the ground. The tarp also makes it warmer sleeping by having that extra barrier between you and the ground.

Another tip, I also bought a plastic foot locker to put my tent, tarp and camp stove in. All gear in one easy place to carry, and is nice and neatly packed together. And foot locker makes a nice extra seat or small table at the campsite. All Wal-Mart products!

Price Paid: $58

I left a tent pole at home on my old tent so I ran to the local Walmart to find something I could use for my two-week trip in the North Carolina mountains. I didn't want to spend much money since I already have a tent. $49.95 fit that stipulation. I also hate weird shaped tents because I always put a tarp under my tent to protect the floor and cut down on possible leaks. The rectangular shape makes that much easier. If I use the tent again I will put the door mat under the tent. It collects water. I would rather use an all weather door mat.

I also don't like poles used in dome tents. I would love to have a tent with sturdy metal poles, but nobody seems to make a reasonably priced tent with sturdy poles any more. I don't like D-shaped zippers because they don't seem to last long term. I don't know why they didn't put a straight zipper in the center with two straight zippers across the bottom. That design would probably be more durable long term.

The tent seemed to be well ventilated. I like the gear loft and inside pockets. The cup holders seem ridiculous, since food should never be taken in a tent. That would attract bears. I always put a large tarp over my tent, so I stay dry whether the tent leaks or not. Therefore, I can't judge that feature.

Design: freestanding dome
Sleeps: 6+
Ease of Setup: Easy, but fairly time consuming; Must have 2 people to get the two poles to stay in place
Weight: 18 lb.
Price Paid: $49.95

LOOKING FOR A RAINFLY!!! I've had this tent now for 5+ years. It still works great and is in good shape, except for the rainfly.


  • Great air flow
  • Easy to store
  • Easy to utilize


  • No weather protection at all without the rainfly
  • 2 side ceiling to floor mesh, no internal zip up windows

I've had this tent for 5+ years, it still works great and is in good shape, except for the rainfly. It ripped, not sure how, the ex-husband had it. With two sides being completely mesh, with no zip-up windows, camping in FL with it is impossible.

I'm trying to get a replacement rainfly, but since this is a discontinued model, I'm going to have to have it custom made, if it's affordable.

If anyone has this tent and is getting ready to get rid of it, I'll take your rainfly! Feel free to email me, doesn't hurt to try right? 

Source: bought it new
Price Paid: I don't remember

I have had this tent for 3 years now and used it out camping about 20+ times. Even though it is a Walmart tent, it is a great tent for a good value.

It has lasted us through rain storms, thunderstorms and wind. It is quick and easy to put up despite being a pretty big tent. Floor space is enough for two queen size inflatable beds. I have a family of 5, 2 adults, 3 kids (ages 7, 7 and 9) and we have enough room.

My only problem with the tent is that the zipper on the floor door sometimes get stuck in the material around the door and the pole and the holds up the roof above the door moves out of place some times. I can attribute these problems mostly to the constant use and age of the tent really.

We will be upgrading next summer season but only for lack of space as the kids get bigger and/or want their own tent. As for any tent, I would recommend an additional tarp on top and on the ground, if you think you will be camping in the pouring rain for several days straight.

Design: three season free standing dome
Sleeps: 6+
Ease of Setup: Easy enough if you have experience with tents
Weight: between 5 - 10 pounds
Price Paid: $90

The tent is okay overall, but it has a leak problem. We bought it because it was big, and it was pretty cheap compared to other tents of the same size. What I liked about it: The price, it was easy to set up, it had lots of room, plus it has some hooks at the top to hang lights and other stuff from.

What I did not like about it: What I did not like was the two doors in the front, it would have been better with one large door. The main thing I did not like was the water leaks. It rained the first night and most of the second day of our camp trip, and we had small puddles of water around the edges of the tent. The water leaked bad in the corners and through the window seam in the back. I can deal with some water (little droplets) coming through the seams - that can be easily delt with, but I can't deal with how much water leaked through this tent.

Needless to say, I returned it.

Design: Dome
Sleeps: 5
Ease of Setup: Was fairly easy to set up
Price Paid: $49.95

I had one I used for 10 years. It withstood all kinds of weather. The door zippers finally gave out and got a tear in the floor. I have been looking to replace it and am unable to find anything of comparable quality. To the person looking for the rain fly, I kept mine along with the poles. You can contact me at


  • Climate durability (rain, wind)
  • Easy to set up alone


  • Can't find replacement

Loved this tent.



  • Size
  • Durable
  • Long-lasting


  • Parts

We have had this tent as long as I can remember and I'm 31 now! I just took it out to take my son camping and can't find the poles! I'm heartbroken and don't have the money to get another one this size! If you can PLEASE e-mail me the pole sizes I would appreciate it SO MUCH! Thank you!


Best tent we ever had!

Source: received it as a personal gift

We bought this tent because it is roomy for our family of four, with 2 adult children, and has nice features, such as the loop at the top for a light, and pockets at the sides, so that our eye-glasses don't get crushed while sleeping. In addition, it was quite affordable.

In the two years that we owned it, it got light use--once or twice on campouts last summer, and once in the yard this year. However, in moderate (20-30 mph) winds, one of the fiberglass poles snapped, rendering the tent useless. Anyone have any ideas on how to get a replacement pole?

Design: Two room dome tent
Sleeps: 6+
Ease of Setup: Easily set up by two people
Weight: 18 lbs.

I do like the tent, lots of space, easy to put up, but a couple of things I didn't like, the front door zippers always get stuck on the little rain flap that covers the zipper. I sprayed the tent with camp dry because I knew it was going to rain the next day. Some rain did get in near the bottom of rear window. Tent dries fast and is well vented. I had a Coleman tent in the past and payed twice the money and this tent is just as good as that one.

Design: dome
Sleeps: 6+
Ease of Setup: very easy set up
Weight: 18 lbs
Price Paid: $49.95

This tent is spacious and easy to set up. I especially like the storage bag which, unlike most other bags, is large enough to repack the tent without undue aggravation. The stakes it comes with are inadequate; use aftermarket stakes if you want it to stay up.

Two serious problems have revealed themselves in this second season of use: The seam between the two doors is splitting, and both cross-poles broke during a moderate wind. The wind pushed the tent almost flat and both poles broke on the leeward side.

Sleeps: 5
Ease of Setup: easy
Price Paid: $55?

Take a big stack of towels with you if you camp with this tent!! Set up is easy, we were happy with how it looks and the amount of space inside but then it started raining. The fly does not cover the front, so we actually could feel rain coming through the doors. Plus rain leaked in from the sides. What is the point of a tent that doesn't stay dry inside??

Design: dome
Sleeps: 6+
Ease of Setup: easy
Price Paid: $50

I do like the tent! It is spacious and has many nice features: powercord access port, hanging storage locker, etc.

However, I've found that the poles used to raise the tent are somewhat fragile especially @ the joint which seem to be made of fairly light metal. I've yet to find a replacement. Any leads?

Sleeps: 5
Ease of Setup: need 2 people to do it easily
Weight: 25
Price Paid: $80

I just spent 4 months traveling in the Northwest. This tent is my buddy! Easy to set up. Dries quickly. Excellent ventilation. Love being able to stand. I continually snooped on other campers to see what I missed on other brands. Dude, I got everything I needed. No regrets.

Sleeps: 6+
Ease of Setup: Easy, fast
Weight: 16?
Price Paid: $49.95

This is a very nice and spacious tent. However, I have lost the instructions and haven't had success trying to contact the company for replacement instructions? Does anyone have a copy of them?

Design: family dome
Sleeps: 6+
Ease of Setup: farely simple
Weight: on wheels

If you need instructions contact North Pole (the manufacturer) @ Toll-Free: (800) 366-1599 with the model# WMT-XXXX. I just did and they e-mailed them to me in PDF format.

Good customer service.

In overall is great, but the poles broke after some uses, in less than a year. I take it everywhere, and I'm able to set it up by myself.

Design: two room family dome
Sleeps: 6+
Ease of Setup: easy
Weight: 18 lb

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Price Reviewers Paid: $39.98-$149.00

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