The Ozark Trail brand name is owned and sold by Walmart. is not affiliated with Ozark Trail in any way and cannot provide customer service for your Ozark Trail gear.
Ozark Trail outdoor gear is sold by Walmart (1-800-WALMART/1-800-925-6278) and manufactured and serviced by a variety of manufacturers.
Trailspace does not make, sell, or service any of the products that are reviewed or featured on this website. Contact the manufacturer or retailer (Walmart) for customer service.
Look on your tent’s manual, tag on the inside of the tent, and/or carry bag for its product information. Then contact the specific manufacturer of your product.
Top Reviewed Ozark Trail Products

Ozark Trail for Walmart
Walmart Stores, Inc.
702 SW 8th Street
Bentonville, AR 72716-8611
(800) 925-6278