Sheffield Camper 12-in-1 Multi Tool

This 12-function tool showcases a small hatchet. The overall quality of the tool is okay, but the function of the tool is questionable.
- Solid construction
- Difficult to deploy folding tools
- Design poses safety risks while tool is in use or in sheath
The concept of having a hatchet on a multitool is really neat, I’ll admit. But this particular design raises some concerns for me.
The placement of the hatchet makes it very easy to cut yourself when trying to deploy the folding tools. It doesn’t make it any better when it’s a real struggle to access those folding tools. I’ve found that when trying to get the tools out, I put my knuckles in a compromising position.
On top of that, when storing this tool, the hatchets tip sticks out of the sheath, making it dangerous to grab for when you need it.
On top of the excessive danger that this tool poses, the hatchet is barely functional. It is simply too small. I understand that no multitool should ever replace any real tool, but this hatchet doesn’t work period. It doesn’t even work for me chopping kindling. It’s best for chopping small twigs off of logs and branches. But that’s about it, and you can do that with a saw or knife on another multitool.
The other tools are all right. They do their job but don’t do them great. The concept of this tool is great, but the execution of the concept was done very poorly. To me, this tool is just unnecessary weight in my bag. I would not recommend this product.
I’ve owned this product for six years. I’ve had a poor experience.
Source: received it as a personal gift