Plastic Fork

A very reasonably priced (free in many places...actually almost everywhere) utensil that is lightweight, easy to use, and reusable!
- 1. Super lightweight
- 2. Free
- 3. Easy to master use
- 4. Comes in a variety of colors (but mostly white or black)
- 5. Easy to find
- 6. Did I mention free? (unless you buy in bulk), but really, how many folks are you entertaining on a hike?
- 1. Sometimes you have to order food, especially “to go,” to obtain your copy of this excellent item
- 2 The tines may break if you chomp down on them
- 3. Doesn’t work when trying to eat jerky
- 4. Kids somehow don’t like it when you use this implement to “get“ their attention when they are misbehaving
Great product! My girlfriend recently introduced me to the art ( and expense) of getting food to go... this amazing utensil was hidden as a free gift in the bag I also actually found a free knife and napkins too!!! What a wonder! This is a great alternative to titanium eating utensils and also is available in large quantities to do your job as a Trail Angel!!

Used a few times, but haven’t trail tested yet. Poked the dog with it once and appears also to have great utility in getting dogs, children, and assorted wildlife’s attention.
Source: received it as a sample, freebie, or prize (My girlfriend handed me the food bag and it was inside )