Odwalla Bar

Not as good as bacon, but what is?
- Yummy
- Ingredients I can pronounce
- Good protein/carb ballance
- Edible at a wide range of temperatures
- Chocolate
- Organic
- Not allergy safe
- Owned by Coca Cola (isn't everything?)
I usually eat Kit-Kat bars in the cold and crunchy granola bars in the heat. These little bricks of yumminess work in both extremes.
The first time I saw these was about five years ago. I thought they were Indian (East India, not NA) because of the name: Odwalla. Though I like some Indian food I was pleased that they contain no curry. They are pretty common now, I see them in most produce departments nowadays. I have been mixing them into my mid-day hiking meals for the past four years.
Calorie-wise they are close to other bars, with 210 cal, 39g carbs, 4g protein, 5g fat. What I like about them over Clif bars is that they aren't as tough when frozen and I can keep them in outside pockets when its cold rather than needing to keep them in an inner pocket = hard to get to with gloves on. They do OK in the heat too with only the chocolate chips melting a little. They do not crumble easily, which is nice when I accidentally drop my pack on the snack pocket.
Mouth feel is rather like a very solid brownie with nuts and chocolate chips.
If you are into organic things (I am not) just about everything in this bar is organic and non-GMO. It's no longer a small local company though since they were bought out by Coke a few years back. This company also makes some really good juices if you are inclined but I don't consider the juices cheap by any means. These bars however come in boxes of six for around five bucks, which compares well with other such bars. They come in several flavors but I prefer Choco-walla. Even though I'm not an organic fan I still appreciate ingredients that sound like real food rather than items from a chemistry set.
I would not live off these alone but they are a good addition to the food bag and offer decently balanced energy with good taste.
My kids have friends who are diabetic and have Celiac's. These are NOT a good treat for them! Kit's Organic from Clif are better for those on specialized diets.
Source: bought it new
Price Paid: $5 for a box of six