MSR MiniWorks EX

This filter works great and is very easy to use. I would recommend this to anyone who is looking for a simple backwoods water filter.
- Lightweight
- Easy to use
- Field maintainable
- Makes dirty water clean and safe
- Slow
- Needs to be cleaned often
This filter has two parts. There is a foam filter at the end of the water intake tube. This foam removes large sediment and prevents debris from entering the filter system. It works well, but it's still a good idea to ensure that the water intake is not sitting in muck or surrounded by debris.
The second part of this filter is the ceramic element (the part that actually filters the water). Water is pumped up the hose and forced through the ceramic element. This filter removes protozoa and bacteria as small as 0.2 microns.
From what I've learned on the internet, that means that this filter will remove any harmful protozoa or bacteria that exists in lakes or rivers here in central Canada. Ceramic is pretty fragile, but the filter housing is very rugged, and it seems like it would be fairly hard to break the filter while it's inside the filter housing.
This filter is very easy to use. I purchased a 1L Nalgene water bottle, and the water outlet on the filter screws directly onto the Nalgene bottle. The cover for the water outlet screws directly into the Nalgene water bottle lid. This ensures that your clean water is pumped directly into the bottle, and the filter cover is kept clean while you're pumping water.
The pump rate is listed at 1L/minute. I was getting this rate (or very close to it) for 4 - 6 liters. After 4 - 6 liters, the filter would work noticeably slower, and would require cleaning.
Cleaning was a simple process. You take apart the filter and give the ceramic element a light scrubbing with a bit of clean water and a scrub pad (included with the filter). Taking it apart is easy. You just unscrew the top of the filter and pop the ceramic element out.
The whole kit includes the instruction manual, filter housing, ceramic element, a few feet of hose, the scrub pad, and a mesh carry bag. The instruction manual is short and sweet, and covers how to pump water, how to clean the filter, and a trouble shooting section. The whole kit weighs 456g. There are lighter filters on the market, but I chose this one because of its ease of use, and because it can be easily cleaned and maintained in the field.
There is also a maintenance kit that can be purchased for $15 - $20, which includes almost everything required for a basic overhaul. Replacement ceramic elements are priced around $30 - $35.
I used this filter while on a backpacking trip in the Canadian Shield. The water had very little visible sediment, but was the color of tea. The water this filter produced was almost clear and had no taste. I would pump aprox 6L of water in the morning, and another 6L before supper. This provided 2 of us with enough water for drinking and cooking.
The ceramic element is supposed to filter up to 2000L of water. I take this to mean that realistically, it will probably need replacing after aprox 1500L. If I take a 4-day trip, 4 times per year, and the filter produces 1500L, that means that I will need to replace the ceramic element in aprox 9 years.
This filter functioned as well as I expected, and I would recommend it to anyone who is using it for themselves, and up to 4 people. For larger groups, I would recommend getting a second one.
Source: bought it new
Price Paid: $85
Disappointingly slow, even after cleaning the filter. Okay for a soloist, but definitely too slow to be used by groups greater than two people. It is easy to clean, and the water comes out clear and without bad tastes.
- Good-tasting water
- Easy to clean
- Slow
- Slow, even when new
- Slow, even when new/clean
- It's just....slow, and thus requires a lot of energy
I researched water filters for quite a while, and must have just over-thought it all, and ended up overall pretty disappointed with the MSR MiniWorks EX. I really liked the idea of a ceramic filter that was easy to clean and wouldn't need to be replaced for a long time. So, ultimately that's one of the main reasons I decided to go with the MSR Miniworks EX.
I tested it at home before our first trip and didn't notice any issues, before taking it out for its first real-life action in the clear mountain streams and lakes of Idaho (2015). I was highly disappointed with the speed of this filter. I had read suggestions to use a coffee filter over the intake line to avoid early clogging of the ceramic filter, so that's what I had done. However, the pump was so slow even on the first 1-2 liters, that I took the coffee filter off. That didn't solve anything. The lake was pretty clear/clean to begin with, so I'm not sure the coffee filter was needed anyway.
We were backpacking in a group of four adults and four kids under the age of 8. Luckily we had two other water filters (different brands) that worked great and kept us all hydrated.
When I got home, I cleaned the filter, and then decided to try pumping clean tap water and timing it. Even with clean tap water, it still took over two minutes to pump one liter of water. It seemed to be sucking up the water through the intake, and then on about half of the water would go back out the intake hose, instead of through the filter and out of the exit. I took the filter completely apart, cleaned it up (even though there really wasn't anything to clean), and put it back together. But, it continued to have this same issue.
Multiple trips later, and the results have remained the same. After cleaning the filter, it would filter okay for 1-2 liters, and then slow way down. I would clean it, filter okay for 1-2 liters, and then slow way down... However, even the "fast," clean filter would take about two minutes per liter.
Finally, I've decided it wasn't worth the effort, and I've decided to replace it with a different filter, which I will put to use later this summer (2018).
Source: bought it new
Price Paid: $65
Great reliable water filter that is easy to clean and maintain.
- Easy use
- Easy maintenance and cleaning
- Reliable
- Long filter life
- Good tasting water
- Design helps prevent cross contamination
- Heavy
- Slower than other filtration methods
The Miniworks is a pump style water treatment system that has a ceramic filter with a carbon core. MSR claims that this filter is effective against protozoa, bacteria, and chemicals/toxins. Based on my experience with the Miniworks, I have no reason to doubt these claims. MSR does not claim that it is effective against viruses, so if viruses are a concern, then water treatment drops should be used in conjunction with this filter.
The filter takes about 1 minute to filter about 1 liter of water. This filter is ideal for individuals or small groups. For a pump filter, the Miniworks is easier to use than most pump style PUR or Katadyn filters.
Most wide mouth water bottles (e.g., standard Nalgenes and the MSR Alpine Bottle) and water bladders can be screwed onto the bottom end of the filter for easy use. Water bottles with smaller openings will not screw onto the filter so a an extra pair of hands may be needed to fill up these style of water bottles. It is possible to purchase a tube from MSR to attach to the clean water outlet to aid in filling water bottles with smaller openings.
The design of this filter is superior to similar pump filters like the Katadyn Hiker or Hiker Pro because of its ability to screw standard water bottles to the bottom of the filter and because it has a cap that screws onto the bottom of the filter to keep the clean water outlet sanitary.
I have not used this filter in extremely dirty water, so I have not had it clog up on me. However, if this were to happen cleaning the filter would be a breeze. Just unscrew the cap to the housing for the filter and gently scrub and rinse the ceramic exterior of the filter cartridge. Cleaning the filter for long term storage is also easy. For long term storage the ceramic cartridge can be gently scrubbed and then boiled.
This filter is slightly heavier than other similar filters. In addition, if this filter is being used during the winter or in areas with the possibility of freezing temperatures, then some care will need to be taken to ensure that water does not freeze inside the filter, causing the ceramic element to crack. This can be easily avoided by placing the filter inside one's sleeping bag during nights where the temperatures are expected to be below freezing.
Source: received it as a personal gift
Have only used this 2 times outdoors since a couple of months ago for my day hikes. Couple of points of what I was looking out for in a portable filter.
1. Smallest possible filtration pore size, easy field maintenance
2. Didn't want a vertical pump handle, felt it is was a weak design
3. Speed is not an issue, option for pre-filter
4. Good filtration life, washable AND REUSABLE ceramic cartridge (no point in using non reusable filter cartridges which cause more rubbish for the environment)
Taken apart it is designed simple with nothing easy to lose if you are cleaning it out in the field, except for the one way valve in the inlet of the pump - if you had to look for something to loose. I usually filter clear waterfall water, but silt is still present - no problems since.
The Miniworks comes with a sponge pre-filter which doesn't work much more than to stop large stuff getting in like sand. I bought a MSR Siltstopper which I fitted to the intake hose to stop fine sand and silt from getting into the main filter. This setup has worked so far and I do not see any silt in the main filter but I am sure this effects the overall pump rate which would probably be faster without the Siltstopper. Other options include using a cloth as a prefilter at the intake or let the water sit in a pail until the silt settles to the bottom, but I think the Siltstopper makes the most sense in terms of convince and ease of use.
Couple of reviews says this filter gets clogged fast - but you must consider what kind of water are they filtering (heavy silt and tannin kills the filter) and also if they left the inlet hose on the surface of the water source or at the bottom to suck up gunk like a vacuum. More over I would be more worried if the filter NEVER clogged up because that could mean it has not been filtering much out of the water you are drinking or is cracked. ALso this is a portable filter not an industrial one do not expect it to flow like your house tap, faster filters either have bigger filter pores hence filter less, have bigger filters or use non replaceable cartridges.
I like the fact that is has a carbon depth filter to filter chemicals, though how effective this is is questionable. I also wish that the ceramic was silver impregnated to stop bacterial growth. Overall the filter has done its job and did not get me sick.
I would highly recommend it.
Price Paid: $89
Overall, this is an excellent product. When used properly, it will do a great job of providing potable water (where viruses are not a large concern).
I've had mine for over four years now. I take it on about 10 backpacking trips each year ranging from 2-10 nights with no failures yet. I also take it with me on longer day hikes and mountain biking rides where I do not want to carry too much water due to the weight.
While the pump filters might require more effort than some of the gravity based filters, it does allow you to draw water from much shallower sources of water (and the occasional puddle) than a bag will do. The ability to screw it directly to a Nalgene bottle or an MSR hydration bag is also pretty convenient. Attaching directly to the bottle or bag lets you use both hands on the pump without worrying about your water container falling over and spilling in the process. If you do not have a Nalgene bottle or MSR bag, you can also put the exit tube in any other container that will hold water.
I've read where several users have expressed frustration at the pump being hard to pump or the filter needing to be cleaning frequently. This is caused by siphoning water that has a lot of particulate in it. Naturally, the more particle to be filtered, the more resistance the filter will have.
I avoid this problem buy putting a bandana or other small cloth over the intake "spring". This serves to prefilter the larger particles before they get to the ceramic filter. If less gunk makes it to the filter to begin with, less gunk will need to be handled by the filter. Users should be careful in choosing their water beforehand. Still green or brackish water is much more likely to have viruses and other contaminants than clearer fast moving water.
One note of caution. If you choose to use this during sub-freezing temperatures, you'll want to try to keep the filter warm. Sleep with it in your bag or carry it deep in your pack. If not, the filter will freeze and be rendered useless until it properly thaws. You'll also want to make sure the inner chamber is dry to prevent freezing as well. Freezing and thawing can crack the ceramic filter.
All in all, this is an excellent product. I'd give it 5 stars were it not for two shortcomings. Weighing in at a pound, it is not the lightest most compact solution, and its ineffectiveness against viruses.
Price Paid: $89
The MiniWorks EX is lightweight, easily maintained in the field and pumps about a litre a minute if the water you are treating is reasonably clear. The clean water outlet has a large fitting that screws onto a standard Nalgene bottle allowing for easy two handed pumping.
The 0.5 micron ceramic depth filter is easily cleaned with a scrub pad that comes with it and the filter’s thickness can be checked with a gauge and the filter element replaced when it has been abraded beyond its recommended thickness. To prolong the intervals between cleaning, put a fine cloth or coffee filter over the intake hose and secure it with a rubber band if the water you are treating has a lot of silt in it.
The ceramic filter element can be boiled to disinfect it and then air-dried if you are going to store it for long periods such as over winter. The filter elements are quite fragile when removed from the housing so you need to be very careful when cleaning them.
I’ve used this sort of filter for over a decade and only replaced the ceramic element once because I broke it while cleaning. The filter itself is great value and because it is amongst the most widely used in the world, the replacement elements are easily available.
The filter pore size of 0.5 microns is small enough to filter out all parasitic worm eggs, protozoa [giardia, cryptosporidium, amoebas] and most pathogenic bacteria [some pathogenic bacteria are as small as 0.2 microns]. If I suspect that water is going to be contaminated with viruses I pre-treat the water with Polar Pure iodine and then pump it through the MiniWorks. The iodine inactivates viruses and kills bacteria and the ceramic element removes the larger bacteria, protozoa and any worm eggs. The granular activated carbon element inside the ceramic filter then removes the iodine so the water tastes great.
I highly recommend this filter - it's a modest investment and will last you for years.
Check out my site for comprehensive information on waterborne pathogens, contaminants and water treatment systems.
Highly recommended.
Price Paid: CND$79 about 12 years ago
Overall this is a dependable, solid bit of kit - when cleaned it pumps fast, it is very easy to field-maintain, it packs easily and has lasted very well with only minor abrasions from clumsy use to show for it's age. I have used this now for over four years and have taken it on multi-day wilderness trips as well as trekking trips, so it has had a decent long-term test.
It is prone to slowing down after a few days pumping, as other reviewers have pointed out, but in my experience this is due to very fine pore size (which I positively want for getting the nasties out of my drinking water) and is easily rectified with a quick scrub of the ceramic element with the included scourer. I have not worn out the original filter yet, something which is easily gauged with the attached measuring device, but this is possibly more a comment on careful choice of water source than longevity of filters.
This is not a device for individual use, it weighs a pound and takes up a fair bit of pack space - my choice for solo hiking would be a filter bottle; however it is ideal for a group of two to four where you can send one off to fill the bottles at camp time.
I would probably buy this again if I lost it, there are other products on the market, but I think the easy maintenance and dependability are the key features for me. As testimony I would offer this: I have pumped water from streams, muddy puddles, cattle troughs and dodgy hostels and haven't had a single case of nasties yet.
Price Paid: £70 (UK pounds)
The MSR MiniWorks EX is a great water filter that has provided me 3 years of dependable service. It takes a little effort but you get the assurance that you won't be hugging the toilet bowl a week later when the giardia sets in.
- Lightweight
- Easy field maintenance
- Takes some time to do a few liters
I've been using this water filter since 2010 and it has worked like a charm. It takes about 2 minutes for me to pump one liter into my Nalgene (which screws perfectly onto the bottom). It's perfect for me and my S.O. since we only do a few liters at a time but I would think it would get a bit tedious with a larger group.
The filter is easy to take apart and clean out in the woods. You simply unscrew it, pop out the ceramic core, give it a good scrub and rinse with the sponge provided, pop it back in and you're good to go.
I use my filter in the Woods of New England and haven't gotten giardia thus far, so I think it's doing a pretty good job.
Source: bought it new
MSR does it right every time. This water filter pump is very easy to use even for a first timer. It is easy to clean and continue using without leaving the water hole. The pump is bigger and heavier than a bottle of tablets, but it makes a superior product an a fraction of the time.
I have been to places like the bottom of Grand Canyon, Mt Whitney, Mt Rainier, Buckskin Gulch, Zion Narrows, several fifty milers, backcountry skiing, and always taken at least one MSR filter pump. Even under a snow field there is running water somewhere. It is so much faster to pump a little water than to stop and melt snow.
When packing for a hike/ trip, consider how much space this item will take, how heavy it is, and how many times will I use it?
I have tried other brands and styles of pumps that wore me out or clogged up before I filled one water bottle. I have used bad tasting tablets and added drink powder after the waiting period was over. What a pain in the neck to wait for the tablets when you're thirsty.
I buy a new filter every year at a local outfitter who has a half price sale on Thanksgiving weekend. I bought my pump in 2004.
Price Paid: $69
Great small water filter! Excellent choice for any outdoor enthusiast that spends anytime in the back country.
- Can filter some of the nastiest water
- Filters water relatively fast
- Ceramic filter clogs fast in dingy water
- Forearm fatigue after pumping a few bottles full
- Can freeze and crack the ceramic filter
I've been using the MSR MiniWorks EX for two years now. Over all I'm very happy with its construction and durability. To me it's a bullet proof water filter.
I've filtered some REALLY questionable water with it and it's yet to let me down. It's a key piece of gear in my pack. The MiniWorks is a great water filter for 1 to 2 people. Any more people using it during a trip you're better off going with a larger gravity filter.
It's very easy to use: just screw onto a Nalgene bottle, drop the hose with attached foam float into water source and pump away. I have to admit that after two or so liters my forearm starts to get sore. Other than that the MiniWorks is very user friendly.
Source: bought it new
Price Paid: $89.99
I love, love, love that I can get potable water for our party when we hike up the Stour. In fact, we have spare water to wash the dishes. I bet I could filter my home water with this when civilization breaks down.
- Reliable potable water from a puddle
- It fits a Nalgene bottle
- The end floats, so less muck.
- Doesn't screen viruses, problem if human viruses in water, but would boil then.
- Doesn't desalinate water
- Have to clean the filter - oh, so what.
I used to use purification tablets, but the taste is better with this. Never been sick from the water. Perhaps from the cooking . . .
Source: received it as a personal gift
Great product, easy maintenance.
- Nicely built
- Easy to use
- Needs a widemouth bottle for easy use
- The pump keeps getting harder when used in dirty water
A water filter is a must-have equipment for outdoor enthusiast everywhere. The Miniworks are an exceptional piece of kit that is doing exactly that, to filter the raw water to be ready to drink water. Although after a couple of liter use, the filter needs to be clean, or you might have to pump it with power.
Have it for about 5 years and still doing a great job. I'm a weekend backpacker so I always carry this kit every time. Bring to a volcano complex in Java, Indonesia, for a 5-day trip and it serves 6 people with no problem except after a 5 or 6 liter, the ceramic filter need to be clean. Other than that it works like a charm.
Source: received it as a personal gift
Used this on a 7-day hike with our Scout troop. I wouldn't recomend this pump for a large group because it is very slow.
- serviceable
- good tasting water
- slow
The other leader had a Katadyn pump which is must faster. But by the end of the trip it was almost unusable because the filter was plugged. The MSR was still working, although slow as ever. I did have to clean it on a few occasions when the creeks were dirty, but not a lot.
I would recommend to someone with a small group because it did function well.
- Durable
- Easy to clean
- Reliable
- Commonly used filter
- Parts readily available
- Bit bulky
- Bit heavy
I purchased this in 2010 for weekend hikes and it has proven to be one of the most reliable gear components I have ever used. Never once has it let me down or failed to perform as it supposed to.
Nothing beats reliability in my book!
Source: bought it new
Price Paid: $68
Seems robust enough. My only real issue was speed. After just a few liters, it slowed waaaay down. Even after scrubbing, the speed just wasn't there.
The water was clear (John Muir Trail/Kearsrge Pass) and cool, but it felt like we were filtering water in Thailand (nukes filters in minutes). I will say that disassembly was a snap, and the lever arm was plenty stiff. It will work just fine, but it just takes some patience.
For the price, she is just fine. Don't pump it lickety-split either, just mellow pumping does the trick.
After some research and recommendations from people I met in the woods, I bought an MSR Miniworks, thinking that I was set for the rest of my life. I was wrong. The bloody filter cracked the first time I pumped water from a clear, running stream in northern Minnesota, and the filter was useless for the rest of the trip.
I got that filter replaced, and attempted to use the new one on a BWCAW trip a few weeks ago, with middling results. It worked, but very slowly, and it required frequent cleaning to maintain a flow anything beyond a trickle, even from water I probably could have drunk safely without filtering.
This filter is VERY slow- it takes several minutes and many strokes to fill a single Nalgene. It requires frequent cleaning to maintain even somewhat acceptable performance. What really galls me is that I wasn't even asking the filter to work that hard- pumping from the middle of large, breezy, very clear lakes should NOT take several minutes to fill a standard Nalgene bottle.
What's more is that the ceramic filter can fracture very easily, which adds more work to the filtering process- if you drop this thing, the filter will probably crack, and you'll be boiling water for the rest of the trip.
Still, the water it pumped tasted great, and I nor anyone else got sick. Even so, we probably could have done like the dog did and drank right out of the lake and still have been fine. Overall, I whole-heartedly do NOT recommend this filter.
Price Paid: $90
Lightweight, easy to use. If I had to do it again I would go with a different water filter — too much effort for how little water is actually produced.
- Lightweight
- Easy to use
- Clean-able
- Takes FOREVER to fill up containers... water just trickles out, even new
- Bulky
This water filter works just like it is supposed to — clear and fresh tasting water.
It is fairly easy to use, and seems to be durable. It is fairly lightweight, although it can be bulky if you are backpacking and trying to save space.
It takes far too long to treat the water. If you are filling up a few bottles, expect to be there for a while. It took me about 5 minutes to fill up a ~1L bottle out of a small creek in Waterton National Park. This can be frustrating (especially when the fishing is good!) as I want to spend my time fishing and hiking rather than sitting around for ten minutes trying to re-hydrate myself.
All-in-all, I would say it is OK... It does what it is supposed to, but not ideal for backpacking.
Source: bought it new
Price Paid: 80-90$
It is a great little filter. It pumps a little on the slow side, but seriously how fast do you really expect a handheld filter to be? It is easily cleaned in the field and I would recommend it to others.
Update: December 31, 2009
Works great, it is easily field maintainable and does exactly what it is supposed to do. I would suggest others to buy this product!!
Price Paid: 80 USD
I've had this filter for about a year. It's been on 6 hikes that average 2 nights each. No big complaints so far.
It removes bacteria and protozoa it but not viruses, so I treat my water with chlorine bleach in a 2 liter bag before filtering to kill the viruses. I let the water stand for half an hour before filtering into a 2 liter hydration reservoir that screws onto the bottom of the filter.
The charcoal filter in the MiniWorks filter removes the chlorine so what I get is fresh tasting purified water.
Since I'm filtering from a bag, not directly from a stream, I am usually sitting around with a group making conversation as I pump, so the flow rate isn't all that important to me. That said, the flow is pretty good.
I think it was starting to slow down on the last trip, but I'm not complaining 'cause I've never cleaned the element. I guess the flow performance depends pretty much on what's in the water you filter. Clear appearing water can still be loaded with tiny things you can't see that can clog the filter.
My only complaint is the weight. A pound is a lot for a lightweight backpacker, but no filter gets rid of viruses so I have to use chlorine, and I gotta have that charcoal to get rid of the chlorine.
Price Paid: $85
Great little filter and water tasted great from this unit. I've used other brands, but this one takes the cake.
Price Paid: $85
I bought this product before going on an 8-day AT hiking trip. After using the filter for only 1 day (filtering about 9-10 liters of water), the pump got significantly slower, almost to the point of being not usable. Once we cleaned it (in the field, as per instructions), it picked up the pace again, but even at its top speed, this filter is not very quick.
The filter is also difficult to pump (not extremely, of course), but significantly more so than some of the others I saw on the trail.
I thought I just bought a crappy filter, but I think it just needs a lot of maintenance. It really needs to be cleaned after every use. Although the cleaning is not difficult, it does take some time and gets a little annoying.
The water itself tasted really good. Not even a hint of bad taste in all the water we pumped.
Since this is my first filter, I can't compare it to others, but I would probably consider getting a pump that was lighter and faster next time.
Price Paid: $89
So far this works great. It is a little bigger than others but I just feel really confident in this product to do its job better than others. The filters are supposed to last a long time and not much seems like it could fail as far as components.
It is a little slow but the water tastes great and is nice and clear. If you are using it and the filter starts to go really slow, simply unscrew it and remove the filter and use the brillo pad to lightly scrub off grime. It may appear to be clean but it probably isn't.
On our first trip out we found a small trickling runoff and filtered 6 liters in a fairly short amount of time but ran into the cleaning off the filter problem that held us up trying to figure out the problem. Once we realized all we had to do was lightly clean it we were up and running smoothly.
I really do recommend this filter. MSR is good stuff.
Price Paid: $99
I picked one of these up to replace an aging and broken sweet water filter. For single person or small group, this filter is great. I wouldn't want to rely on it for large groups on multi day treks. In the half dozen or so trips I have been on with this filter, it has worked perfectly. I don't think the bigger brother version is worth the money, weight or space. Just carry some some chlorine dioxide tabs for virus protection if you think you need it.
The biggest reason I love MSR as a company is the great customer service. My dog chewed up my intake hose and I wrote to the company asking where I could PURCHASE a new hose. I didn't expect them to cover my negligence. But, they did and they sent me a brand new hose for free! That's service. Go MSR, go Miniworks, you can't go wrong.
Price Paid: $80
I bought this filter after my First Need Purifier crapped out after 5+ years of use. Used the MSR on two overnight camping trips. Midway through the second trip the unit became very hard to pump, with most of the water going straight back down the tube from where it came. The water being filtered on both occasions was very clear.
MSR advertises that this filter is "field maintainable," but what they don't mention is that you need to "field maintain" it very frequently (by disassembling the unit and scrubbing the ceramic element) in order to keep it up to performance. I'm coming from just having used the First Need, which by comparison flows much faster than the MSR filter.
Long story short, I'm returning the MSR and picking up another First Need.
Price Paid: $85
Worst filter ever.
We used this filter for a few canoe trips. On a long 17 day trip it quit working on day 12. Lucky for us there was another filter in the group so we used theirs for the rest of the trip. Got back and MSR said it told us it was a common problem and how to fix it but the fix was not in the instructions.
On another trip time we went on a three day trip. Filter quit working after one day you could not pump it. Sent it to MSR and it took 3 months for them to send us a new one.
This stuff is JUNK. We bought a Katadyn Pocket Water Filter because we need a reliable water filter.
I just finished a hiking trip at Pike's Peak with my Boy Scout Troop. We used the MiniWorks for 10 Scouts and four adults for a three-day backpacking trip. I was impressed with the filtration rate and the ease of use. We just pumped water directly out of a mountain stream right into various bottles and canteens.
Of course, as a Boy Scout Leader I took the added precaution of using iodine tablets. Some scouts didn’t like the taste of “iodinated” water so we then filtered the water again. To my surprise it took out the iodine taste! If a young Scout can use it without any problems (it was dropped a few times) you know it must be a good product!
Price Paid: $66
Overall, this is an acceptable filtering system to take into the backcountry.
Pros include its ability to thread directly to Nalgene-style threading on bottles and hydration bags, rugged and simple design, adjustable float position for proper intake depth, included filter end-of-life gauge, included threaded outlet cover, and ease of field cleaning.
This is not the kind of filter you want to clean water with high concentration of particulate matter! The pumping action becomes extremely hard, and a huge amount of work goes into each tiny increment of clean water out. The outside design of mine was a bit unrefined (sharp edges on plastic from the forming process, etc.).
Price Paid: $79
This filter is okay. The bad little ex-soldier in me was attracted to it because you can easily field strip it for maintenance. Unfortunately, I find it needs a lot of this. It clogs often and pumps VERY SLOWLY, even in very clear water conditions. I eventually replaced the filter element to see if it would improve with no such luck.
My other filter is a Katadyn Hiker. It's the filter I actually use. It's lighter, more compact, and pumps faster. The MiniWorks is not that bad, but it's not that good either. It's become my loaner for friends who don't have a filter.
'Nuff said.
After using the MSR MiniWorks EX Microfilter for a few months here and there around the world, the ceramic cylinder cracked and some holes appears on it. Had to tape the holes and the cracks with some duck tape...It worked, but greatly reduced the filtering rate.
It would cost me about $80 to replace the broken cylinder. Considering the quality and the weight 500 gr. of the filter, I don't think it was a good deal.
Price Paid: 125$ US
one of the best filters i have ever used. i wont ever leave home without it.
the only time i had problems is when the only water i could find was nasty pond water with a lot of slim in it. then it required me to clean it every few liters.
no problems since, actually i just boiled it to sterilize it and it looks brand new.
Price Paid: $89.95
This little guy has no problems pullin' the nasties out of the nastiest of water. I've pulled water straight from a beaver pond...and I didn't get the "squirts" or the "hot-trots." I wouldn't think about not taking this with me. It is super durable, I've dropped it a couple of times. It's easy to clean and field repair is a breeze.
Price Paid: $79
I took a brand new MiniWorks out on a 4 day, 4 person trip this weekend. The morning of day two, the filtration rate dropped precipitously. By the evening of day two, one of the valves had torn and the pump had stopped working entirely. I'm not sure if I just got a bad pump, but I was glad I'd brought backup filtration.
I wish I could say it worked great but it didn't. First real test was Philmont. It worked good for the first liter or two but after that it slowed down to a trickle. I cleaned it but the performance did not improve.
The other leader had a Katadyn Hiker Pro and we used it the rest of the trip.
Price Paid: $79
Terrible product.
I had read good things so bought one after my previous filter wore out after about 5 years. Day 3 in the backcountry my new Miniworks EX malfunctioned. A rubber valve tore and it was completely irreparable with zero function.
I'm going back to Katadyn Hiker — lighter, faster pumping, and I've never had a problem with one.
Price Paid: gift
Good filter, it does the job. I used to have a SweetWater filter and I remember having occasional problems with it but it was lighter. My only beef with this filter is its weight. Works like a charm though...
Price Paid: $76
I am not happy with the MiniWorks EX water filter. The ceramic filter itself developed cracks within a year and is very expensive to replace. It should come with a one year warranty, which I believe does not!!!
This filter needs lots of cleaning when you are in the field. Water tastes good and is very clean. I am going to try another brand when I go on my next outing.
Price Paid: $85
Great purifier. Good, clean water. Super easy to clean and comes with everything for maintenance and a nice sack for it. Good buy, I heard it's what they issue in the army too.
Price Paid: $75
Used my buddy's in the Beartooth Mts. in Montana.
Contains many small complex pieces and malfunctions often. Pumps slowly. My Katydan Hiker worked pretty well though.
Never had a problem. Four words that mean an awful lot to me. I highly recommend this product!
Price Paid: $79.95
Not as quality built as I thought it would be.
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MSRP: $89.95 Current Retail: $99.95-$134.95 Historic Range: $39.95-$134.95 Reviewers Paid: $65.00-$125.00 |