Top Reviewed Karrimor Products

Jaguar 65
Weekend Pack (50-69L)

Alpiniste 45+10
Overnight Pack (35-49L)

SF Sabre 45
Weekend Pack (50-69L)

X-Lite 25
Daypack (under 35L)

Air Space 35+5
Overnight Pack (35-49L)

Protech TQ
Four-Season Tent

Arete Jacket
Waterproof Jacket

Jaguar 75
Expedition Pack (70L+)

Ksb Sierra
Trail Shoe

Peak Airspace 30-35
Daypack (under 35L)

Cougar 70-95L
Weekend Pack (50-69L)

Jaguar 60-80
Weekend Pack (50-69L)
In order to show you the most useful information, we have omitted some products.