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GoLite HydroDash

rated 4 of 5 stars

GoLite is no longer in business, and the HydroDash has been discontinued. If you're looking for something new, check out the best lumbar/hip packs for 2025.

photo: GoLite HydroDash lumbar/hip pack

I run both road and trails and was looking for a light pack that could hold minimal gear and not bounce. Why was I in the market for one? My old pack's, a simple Fuel Belt design, water bottle was falling apart (after 3 years). It also had a small pouch so I thought I find a pack with a little more room.

The GoLite HydroDash just arrived and my shoes were aching to try out its new pal. I just got back from an 1h 15min evening run. I was racing the sunset on the way back so I was running a good pace getting back to the car.

The HydroDash is light, it has two pouches on each side, and carries a 21 oz. H2O bottle. I felt no bounce. The cords and padded belt held the pack secure and I hardly noticed it was there.

There was plenty of space for my minimal carrying gear - ID and car key. There is more room for more stuff, but it was enough for me.

My only complaint is with removing the water bottle from the pack. I can't believe their testers ran with this pack and did not notice this weakness. You can't remove the bottle with one hand. Your second hand has to grab the bottle's pouch. If only they had sewed a simple strap at the bottom, then it would have been easy.

That's what I'll be doing next. A simple mod.

It's a comfortable pack that delivers.

Size: 10oz
Number of Pockets: 2
Height of Owner: 5'11"
Price Paid: $35

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(no Gender)
Price Historic Range: $34.95
Price Historic Range: $24.93-$34.99
Reviewers Paid: $35.00
Price Historic Range: $34.95-$35.00

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