Geigerrig In-Line Virus Filter

Best I’ve found.
- Filters up to 100gls
- Tough
- Plug and go
- None
I have both types of filters from Aquamira. The first filters up to 50gla. It’s designed for all microbes in North America. The other I use abroad on missions trips.
When used with the Geigerrig hydration system you plug inline and pump the bladder and it pressurizes the bladder. This way you never have to draw the water thru the hose.
I've drank water from some of the dirtiest water through these filters and have yet to get sick.
Check out their full line of filtration systems, I keep one of each filter in each pack I have. Eight packs with the hydration filters attached to the hydration engines. Plus the bladders open sort of like ziplock bags. Turn it inside out and throw on the top shelf of a dishwasher. These filters have been life saving while mountain biking in the Mohave during the summer, to peddling my fat bike in Minnesota with windchill hitting -20°. Never had a failure.
On my last mission trip, we traveled a day and a half by boat to and from our missions area. If it was wet it would filter it to safely drink.
Not sure of the price due to buying them with my different packs.
Source: bought it new
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