Garmin GPSMAP 66sr

Good in open landscape, very unreliable in dense forest. Stay away from it if you like hiking in the forest.
- good in open landscape
- Very mediocre performance in forest, and especially in dense forest (in spite of a good signal). In Norway in winter this can put you in a dangerous situation.
I have been using this gps in forest in Norway. There its performance is doubtful to say the least. The gpsmap regularly gets confused and does not find in which direction you have to go for your trial. The arrow indicating the direction to go is often fluctuation 75-110 degrees. And so is the compass. If you are often in the forest, stay away from this gps.
In two occasions I was completely lost. If I didn't have basic navigation skills (using my clock and the position of the sun), I could have ended in a very precarious situation in winter.
Stay away from this gps if you hike a lot in the forest.!!!!!
1 year of hiking in the forests in Norway.
Source: bought it new
Price Paid: 5300 nok