Forrest Mjolnir

Forrest is no longer in business, and the Mjolnir has been discontinued. If you're looking for something new, check out the best ice tools for 2025.
Part 3 of a 4 tool, 30 yr+ Field Test
Hey if they can run cars for a million miles then write a review, why not the 30+ test on outdoor gear. If gear is good enough to go the long run and still meet expectations equivalent to today's gear.
First of the run - Simond Chacal, followed by the MacInnes-Peck Terrordactyl.
This one is on the Forest Moljner of the Colorado Climbing world. Mine is a hammer face. Don't remember if they offered it with an adze. If yes, would have been the smallest ever.
As a ice hammer, works very well. Changeable picks, much easier than the Chacal, with only the use of an allen wrench (2 screws). At the start of any/all climbs, do check for tighness of the screws. Quick and easy to do. Even faster if you buy a toy biner and get the right size with a ring/loop end on it. It can then just join your rack or clip on to the harness. Becomes a 10 second job to check the screws.
Pick choices is droop (curved), steep (terrordactyl style) 45 degree, or tube (full tube) styles. The curved and 45 are strong enough/durable enough to last many years. If not beaten into the rock, will last a lifetime. Sharpening is a bit of an issue as they are harden steel but, hold the edge well.
Tube pick is a little differnt on "tip lifetime/wear". This is a thin walled tube. Takes some getting used to, not to be dinged up. When the tube tip is first aquired, before using in the field, add some epoxy to it. Tube to bolt up end is like an add on end.
To make it more of a "finished product" and keep stuff from geting jambed up in the end (slows the ejection ability too), invert and stick in a vice. The best angle is easly determined and can be changed before completion. You want to make a smooth tube, filling the void with liquid epoxy. Goal is a smooth ejection flow of ice and whatever makes its way down the tube. Once dripped in and at the desired angle, leave it. Let it harden at its own speed. Leave it for a few days, will last for 30 yrs... well worth the patience early on. Hard, solid, bubble/void free, easy and cheap to do.
Another reason I paried this up with the Chacal (had gear for 2!) was the wrench used for the Chacal tip change, ground to a size/shape to help clean tool tips and ice screws (along with threaded rod bent loop style for the rack).
On climbing, was easy to work with less practice needed than the Terrordactyl for knuckle busting class. Small size and large in stature, very versatile. Would have been interesting with a spike but you can't have everything. It is so short, spike would likely just been a "topic of discussion" and little more.
Forest's Moljner, has passed with flying colours too!
Another completion of the 30+ yr test drive.
Good quality and durability, "Helmet off to Mr. Forest"!
Price Paid: $65 USD approx.
With skye pick, compares favorably with modern ice tools - best third tool ever
- Heavy
- Hard to find — long out of production
While tube picks were a fad that was justifiably short-lived, and the "alpine" classic curve pick was nothing to write home about, the skye pick (pterrordactyl knock-off) is a gem of engineering that still compares favorably with modern ice tools (in my opinion).
In the 2015 season, I'm still carrying one as a third tool, although the picks are becoming impossible to find. Anybody out there who has old mjolnir skye picks collecting dust, I'll buy 'em! -
Source: bought it used
Price Paid: can't remember
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Developed by Bill Forrest, the Mjolnir was the first rock-and-ice hammer with interchangeable picks.