Running Snowshoes
These lighter weight and smaller models are tapered to allow you to run with your natural stride over packed or groomed trails. Snowshoe running is a great winter workout that burns even more calories than regular running. If you’ll be competing in USSSA races, make sure your model is USSSA race approved.
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Top Picks
How we choose: The best running snowshoes highlighted here were selected based on 55 reviews of 8 products. Our top picks are those that are readily-available in the United States and have received the highest overall ratings from reviewers.
How we test: Trailspace is powered entirely by our community of readers. The reviews posted here reflect the real-world experiences of outdoor enthusiasts just like you.
If you've used a running snowshoe that you think should be listed here, please share your experience.
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Crescent Moon Yellowstone

This is a great shoe when you use it for what its made for -- running. I am an avid runner and I decided I would try out a pair of these "running snowshoes" that everyone was talking about. They were definitely worth the price. They have one of the fastest binding systems and have a very aggressive bottom. The first time I strapped them on I did not even know they were on my feet. They are as light as a feather and are great. I would just recommend not bringing them to the mountain with you.
Read more: Crescent Moon Yellowstone review (1)
Dion Snowshoes 121

Lightweight racing snowshoe.
Reasons to Buy
- light
- durable
- customizable
This is Dion's smallest snowshoe with only 121 square inch surface designed for lighter runners racing in snowshoe races. The snowshoe itself is an aluminum frame with a strong plastic membrane that provides the support on the snow. The shoe comes with a selection of bindings so it can be personalized or left with an adjustable binding so people with different size feet can share. The cleats are easily swapped from standard to long for deep snow to stainless steel for rocky or icy conditions. Bindings and cleats from one frame can be used on other size frames so you can save money by buying one binding and one set of cleats and transferring them from your racing shoes to your backcountry snowshoes.
Read more: Dion Snowshoes 121 reviews (2)
Kahtoola FLIGHTdeck

The Kahtoola FLIGHTsystem, integrated overboots (FLIGHTboots) and snowshoe decks (FLIGHTdecks), offers winter trail runners and hikers a warm, dry, and binding-free alternative to traditional snowshoes. The system is designed for running and hiking primarily on snow-packed trails. The FLIGHTsystem starts with the neoprene FLIGHTboots, which convert your running shoes or light trail shoes into waterproof winter footwear (read my review of the FLIGHTboots). When fresh snow calls for more flotation, add the FLIGHTdecks, integrated snowshoes, which come in two sizes (Gypsy and Gemini), to the FLIGHTboots.
Read more: Kahtoola FLIGHTdeck review (1)
Redfeather Race Series

I've got the newer version of the Race snowshoe (purchased in 2007) and have been a fan for a while now. I can run in them, just as intended, and they seem to give me a little bit of float. I mostly use these for fitness purposes (ie running, I can do 15 flat in a 5k, without the snowshoes on of course) as I feel these help me develop more power in my legs. Traction in these shoes has been good, though I haven't gone on anything extremely dicey yet in the 70+ miles I've ran on them. Took a bit of finish off going across a sketchy rock portion, totally my fault but to Redfeather's credit I see no rust or corrosion where I lost the paint.
Read more: Redfeather Race Series review (1)
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