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CytoSport CytoMax

rated 3.5 of 5 stars
photo: CytoSport CytoMax drink

I used to swear by this stuff but finding it, in the dark days before the internet, and cost got me out of the habit.




  • Taste

I'm not sure what is in this but when I was doing hard runs or mountain biking with many hard climbs a couple of gulps of this and I started to feel better right away. Other electrolyte drinks provide water, sugar and salts and deep down you know that when you are working hard for a long time you need to replace these things so you drink. With Cytomax the effects seemed more tangible, you can feel yourself recovering and quicker. Because I could buy Gatorade much cheaper I would carry a bottle of each and the Gatorade would make me less thirsty but the Cytomax would make me feel ready to go again.

The taste was a mildly sweet berry flavor which was spiked with a shot of milk. I don't know if lactose is an ingredient but the flavor and mouth feel are that of berry fruit punch and milk mixture.

I used to lay out water bottles to retank along my running route and pick them up the next day. Bottles with Gatorade never looked the worse for wear but the ones with Cytomax always had something growing in them. I'm not sure if this good because it doesn't have a lot of preservatives or bad because a water bottle could go south on you during a long hike.

Source: bought it new
Price Paid: don't remember

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