Coghlan's Sierra Cup

If the Sierra Cup was good enough for Ansel Adams and John Muir then it is good enough for me.
- stainless steel
- 12 oz capacity
- stay cool handle
- scoop from group cooking pot
- inexpensive
- use to reheat food
- use on alcohol stoves
- filled with hot beverage and keeps your hands warm
- 1 person
- large size is not ramen friendly
I have carried a sierra cup/mug for several years. The design has remained basically the same since the Sierra Club first started selling these. Now they come in a sufficient variety of materials and sizes to make it very useful in a number of situations. I have a plastic one at the office that I can microwave in.
The sierra cup is especially useful in a group situation where cooking is being done from a larger pot and eating individually. If you can talk your group into carrying the rest of the cook gear then you get away with packing a sierra cup and spoon...I call that success! You can heat a cup of water, dump a Starbucks Via and wait for your companions to finish breakfast while you enjoy a cuppa.
It is a little small for solo cook gear. You can boil water in it easily. However, 12 oz is about the limit. If that is enough to re-hydrate your meal in a bag then you're set. Otherwise cooking in the cup is strictly small servings.
Stainless steel is rust resistant. The rim stays cool enough to drink from. The handle is bent to hang from your belt or anywhere else. Easy to clean.
Source: bought it new
Price Paid: $4
A great cup. Hang it from your pack in pride or hide it inside to keep it somewhat cleaner.
- Stainless steel
- Timeless design
- 45 years old and no issues
- Good for drinking or sharing a meal
- Can't hold a pint of brew
- Not too great for warming food

This cup or mug has been all over. Once you buy one you seldom need another. Mine has been to Baja, California, campsites, Florida, all over North Carolina, New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado to name a few.
I've used it to drink and share meals. This one actually may be a Coleman, Stansport, or other brand since it is so old. It is stamped Taiwan, but they can be made all over. I've seen other vintage ones made in Japan but new ones may be made in USA or China.
I've had mine for what seems forever. Whatever the brand they seem indestructible. Some new ones have a folding handle which I see as a gimmick.
This cup has been in two countries and about 25 states. It has been used for drinking mainly, but held quite a few meals.
Source: bought it new
Price Paid: Can't recall but they are around $10-12 now
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Price |
Historic Range: $3.99-$6.99 Reviewers Paid: $4.00 |
Capacity |
1 c / 250 ml |