Clif Maple Nut Bar

I saw a new Clif Bar at the grocery store, IMO it's meh. I typically like Clif bars all the way around, but this is so very so-so. Still just as good as any other Clif Bars for that final push up the hill.
- Quick energy
- Cheap
- Easy to eat (hot, cold)
- Vegetarian
- High in sugar (not necessarily a con)
- High in sodium
I like a ready to eat snack with pronounceable ingredients; Clif seems to do a very good job with this. I am pretty surprised that a 'Maple Nut' bar made it to the market with such a 'meh' taste. Typical texture and consistency, but seriously lacking in overall taste, especially with 'Maple' and 'Nut' in it.
I might have been more excited about my step-mother's bland oatmeal. No, strike that. Don't think I will ever be looking for this flavor again. As far as other flavors go, I'd put MOST ALL of them above this one. Sorry, Clif.
I find it a great product that is easy to deal with when hiking, especially when the gloves come out. These little bars usually have about 250 calories of very quick energy, which definitely has its place. I will usually bring a couple with me to work if I'm in a pinch, or whenever I'm burning a lot of calories.
I would never recommend living off of Clif Bars in the woods, but have seen it done...
Source: bought it new
Price Paid: $1