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Campmor Lightweight Polypropylene Balaclava

rated 1 of 5 stars

The Lightweight Polypropylene Balaclava has been discontinued. If you're looking for something new, check out the best balaclavas for 2025.

photo: Campmor Lightweight Polypropylene Balaclava balaclava

Potentially not a bad balaclava, but sized waaay too small. This would fit a child or an adult with a very small head. I've tried on a lot of "one size fits most" balaclavas, and this was by far the smallest. I could barely get the opening down over my eyes, let alone any further than that.

I bought this balaclava for bicycle commuting. The material weight is very light, which is what I like for bicycle commuting, but it's even a little lighter than I would use. That's not a bad thing, just letting you know.

I returned it.

Fabric: Polypropolene (duh)
Price Paid: $5.99

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Price Historic Range: $5.99
Price Reviewers Paid: $5.99

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