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Camp Trails Omega Outfitter

rated 5.0 of 5 stars

Camp Trails is no longer in business, and the Omega Outfitter has been discontinued. If you're looking for something new, check out the best external frame backpacks for 2025.

photo: Camp Trails Omega Outfitter external frame backpack

This is a great pack for hauling heavy loads. I have packed out several elk in the Rocky Mountains with this pack. The Freighter Frame and shelf at the bottom allows me to lash on whatever I need to carry. The top of the pack converts into a day pack and is perfect for hunting from base camp after I hike into the wilderness 8 to 10 miles. The pack has endless lashing points which I use for rifle, fishing pole, tent poles, Therma-Rest, etc. The heavy duty pack material and zippers have shown no signs of stress after hundreds of miles through rugged terrain and loaded down with over a hundred pounds of meat and gear. I would recommend some stiff boots when carrying heavy loads with this pack. I have used the Vasque Alpines for three years now and they are a perfect match.

Design: External Frame
Size: 5700
Number of Pockets: 6
Max. Load Carried: 120 lbs
Height of Owner: 6' 1"
Price Paid: $250

I sure do miss mine. Was one tough pack. Columbia Mountain, MT to Wolf Creer Pass, CO. Carried everything and then some, with room for more. I remember it as the organizer's dream pack.

Now, I'm looking for a 3-5 day internal frame pack. My only options are limited and expensive due to the fact that I am 6'4" tall. Suggestions will be gratefuly received.

Update: February 3, 2011

I sure do miss mine. Was one tough pack.

Columbia Mountain, MT to Wolf Creer Pass, CO. Carried everything and then some, with room for more. I remember it as the organizer's dream pack.

Now, I'm looking for a 3-5 day internal frame pack and considering the Osprey Argon 85 LG.  My only options are limited and expensive due to the fact that I am 6'4" tall. Suggestions will be gratefully received.

Price Paid: $250 - $270

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Price Reviewers Paid: $250.00

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