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Brunton Lander Stove

rated 4.5 of 5 stars

The Lander Stove has been discontinued. If you're looking for something new, check out the best liquid fuel stoves for 2025.

photo: Brunton Lander Stove liquid fuel stove

I can't believe there isn't many reviews for this stove! I ordered it with a lack of reviews and I'm so glad I did. Both fuels works flawlessly and it does simmer. I've used it a few times and it has worked perfect every time. This is a very solid product.

The only reason I'm only giving it 4.5 stars is because sometimes the flame spreader will fall out when its turned sideways or upside down. I'm afraid I might lose it!

It does pack down reasonably small. I store the stove in my cook set's pot (GSI outdoors) along with a couple of nesting cups that match the pot. The fuel is stored separately. The stove came with the pump, storage case, fuel bottle, stove tool, assorted o-rings, grease for the pump, and the old style (not the new childproof) lid for the fuel bottle.

Price Paid: $70

So this is a discontinued product and truth be told, it was not an OEM, Brunton only put their name on it and imported it. So you can still get it but you have to import it from NZ, AU, KR, etc. That aside, this stove ROCKS!


  • Great multi-fuel stove.
  • Compact size for such a powerful stove
  • Includes spare parts, o-rings, tool to clean and dismantle.
  • Boiled water in under 3 minutes, heck sub-2minutes.


  • A little noisy

It's a true multi-fuel stove!  It comes with a nice case, spare parts and even the tool to clean and dismantle it. I've used this stove at low attitude with propane and high attitude with white fuel without issue. Would I take this stove world trekking, simple answer is yes.  

The way the legs and arms fold up make this stove very compact, as a matter of fact I fit it inside my pot with cup(s). This stove is kind of noisy but that has never been my concern because most of the time I'm miles from the nearest person anyway and it's not so noisy it's going to start a avalanche.  

What more can I say, it's a great stove and sorry to see Brunton stop selling it.

Source: bought it new
Price Paid: $75

La compre hace dos años (la uso unos 50 dias al año) y ha funcionado perfectamente tanto con gas como con combustible liquido.  Tengo otras tres cocinas ( Optimus Nova, MSR Dragonfly y MSR Simmerlite ) y esta es mi  preferida. En las salidas cortas llevo gas y en las salidas de mas de una semana, llevo gas para las prendidas rapidas y bencina para el uso normal.

Es facil de usar, bien estable y la botella tiene un estabilizador para que no ande moviendose.

Los pequeños inconvenientes que le encuentro son

1. El algo ruidosa.

2. Al separar la cocina de la botella, se derrama loque quedo en la manguera al no tener dos valvulas.

Es una pena que ya no la fabriquen.

Price Paid: 65

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Price Historic Range: $58.93-$148.95
Reviewers Paid: $70.00-$75.00

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