Berghaus Cyclops II Vulcan

The Cyclops II Vulcan has been discontinued. If you're looking for something new, check out the best expedition packs for 2025.
Berghaus Vulcan with Cyclops 2 frame
Opposite experience than topic starter.
- Endless possibilities to tinker and change to your needs
- Lots and lots of loops for straps or carabiners
- Lots of extra space in two ten-liter sidepacks
- Sidepacks extra usabilty as a daypack by 2 or 4 zippers and extra carrystraps
- Bottom of your stacked stuff accesable by extra zippers and strapcord
- 80 + 2x10ltr
- Not waterproof
- Very hard to wax
- Need of very big rainshell
- No dedicated space for a waterbag inside the big compartment
- Second bottom fabric too thin to last very long
- Can't sit on the backpack without bending the frame
- too much space:-)
I've used my first Vulcan backpack for 12 years with lots of fun, until I needed watertight and floating bags because I went canoeing and I gave away my Vulcan that is still in use btw. I missed its extensive options and bought a barely used one from an ex-miltary shop. Love it, but I miss the two little bungee cord lanyard thingies that where attached at the front loops and two little straps that where attached to the outside of the 10ltr sidepacks.. Beautyfull little parts that secured my axe and collapsible walking sticks.
Bought it slightly too big, so lots of space but very fast too much stuff on the go. Very easy to pack 35-40 kilos. Far too much for me. I hated it for not being water-repellant and it was very hard to wax it because the fabric isn't very sturdy. I used a hotgun to make the Fjallraven Greenland wax soft and impregnable, but that didn't work also, and the sprayable stuff is pure rubbish imho.
I don't recognize the trouble Michael encountered with his Cyclops; in my opinion the hiplock is genius and never slipped and most of all carried the big loads with great ease. And the crumbling inside I experienced once with a first aid kit from military garment, but that was so-called Blenco, nasty green stuff we had to use for every canvas garment when in the army. If left alone or untouched for many years it hardens, crumbles, and smears out over all your other stuff where you didn't want it.
My first one I bought new for over 440 dutch guilders when leaving the Dutch army after four years in '82, that is approx €220; my second one I bought recently, is barely used for €99. I miss the earlier mentioned little straps and lanyards, but will obtain them maybe at Berghaus Repairshop later on.
12 years on and off camping with illegal overnighting, because it was prohibited in many countries in Europe.
Source: bought it new
Price Paid: €220
Amazing value, amazing size, amazing durability!
- Bombproof
- Large enough for everything and more
- Water resistant fabric
- Light
- Slightly too large for the smaller hikes
The pack is great for the longer hikes and trips.
If adjusted properly, the comfort factor is amazingly great, if maladjusted it is like having a pig on your back, and that is not the mammal pig I am talking about...
The capacity is perfect for a week or two in the wilds.
The two side compartments make everything easily accessed.
I have had this Bergen for nearly a year. In that time it has been thrown off a three meter ledge onto rock. It has been buried under two feet of snow (that was scary!). And it has been soaked I don't know how many times, and all of the insides remained dry. Truly a bombproof ruck.
Source: bought it new
Price Paid: 140 pounds
An OG Bergen with internal frame in proofed cordura. Substantial central pocket capacity with divider at bottom and bottom (sturdy) zipper access to compartment so formed. PLCE pouch may be attached to either side, although supplied pouches are an inch or so longer than PLCE they use same zip design. Straps everywhere, including ice axe on back and good hoist loops.
Ignore volumetric capacity. You can fit way more in here than you can carry, unless you have a penchant for down. The main compartment expands upwards... and upwards.
This bergen is way better than issue in terms of stability and comfort, load-carrying, waterproofing and usability. That said, the waterproofing could have been done better if they had felt like adding another couple of kilos to the mass of the material.
Main problem is that if the lid and main compartment are packed fairly full then you will have a hard time getting a lidded head up to fire (or observe capably) from prone. Any webbing you're wearing will need to have low-slung rear pouches. Still, if you're bumped wearing this, you'll be dumping it pronto. And if you're wearing a PLCE compatible vest and webbing you've got effective patrol pack capabilities with the side pouches anyway.
Design: internal frame bergen
Size: 120 dm^3
Number of Pockets: 1 main (2 compartments) + 2 side + 2 in lid
Max. Load Carried: 80 lbs
Height of Owner: 6'2"
Price Paid: I think it was about UKP250
While I was working the Dutch army we had same the rucksacks sendend over from the Royal Marines. I've been with the Vulcan II to Norway, Greece, Germay and Wales under all circumstances and the rucksack was my house, my kitchen and sleeping room. And for Her Majesty's we had to carry "some extra's." It's a rucksack where you can always depend on. I also bought for my own a smaller one the Berghuas Dart 35 only smaller, but also very good.
Design: rucksack
Size: large
Number of Pockets: 2 daypack(zipoff) toppocket
Max. Load Carried: circa 80 kg
Height of Owner: 1.80
Price Paid: nothing
This is one of the best rucksacks you can own. You can pack 100liters and over 40kg. It is used by the Swedish "costal rangers". Test it!!!
Design: rucksack
Size: 4
Number of Pockets: 3
Max. Load Carried: 35kg
Height of Owner: 184cm
Price Paid: 3000sek