Congratulations to Trailspace's Top 25 Reviewers of 2019! While all of our members help make Trailspace a resourceful, supportive outdoor gear community, these folks are the ones most recognized by fellow community members for their informative, real-world gear reviews, earning them the most reviewer reputation points in 2019.
As a thank-you for their outstanding efforts and contributions this past year, we're sending each winner a special-edition New River Pot + Amicus Stove with Igniter, thanks to Soto, makers of award-winning stoves, igniters, cookware, and accessories.
Congratulations, everyone!
Presenting our Top 10 Reviewers of 2019:
And the Rest of the Top 25 Reviewers:
Robin French (Bentbrook) of North Carolina
Wade (Wade in the Water) of California
David Link of California
Jesse Maloney (Go Time!) of Minnesota
Dave Vet (CY6TacticalSolutions) of Florida
Christine Kelly of New Hampshire
Patrick Mason (Patman) of Tennessee
Phil May (FlipNC) of North Carolina
Josh Wood of Tasmania, Australia
Jeff (FromSagetoSnow) of Washington
Sheila Bergin Goss of Vermont
Phil Smith of Maine
Tyler Veinot of Prince Edward Island
Arthur Cropper of California
Mary Beth Skylis of Colorado
Congratulations to our top 25 gear reviewers! We hope you enjoy your Amicus stove and New River Pot from Soto on your 2020 outdoor adventures.
Finally, a huge thanks to everyone who shares independent gear reviews on Trailspace. All year long you help other hikers, backpackers, climbers, paddlers, skiers, trail runners, and other outdoor enthusiasts find the right gear. We're incredibly thankful to have each of you as a member of our community.
Top 2019 reviewers were based on the total number of reviewer reputation points earned from December 2018 through November 2019.