It's our members that make Trailspace the best outdoor gear community around. Every day they contribute honest reviews and share personal outdoor experiences to help fellow hikers, climbers, paddlers, skiers, and trail runners find the right backcountry gear for outdoor adventures.
So, it's fitting that we honor and thank our community's top gear reviewers of 2015.
Below are the folks most recognized last year by their fellow community members for sharing helpful, informative, real-world gear reviews, earning them the most reviewer reputation points in 2015.
Congratulations, everyone! As a thank-you for your greatly appreciated efforts and contributions, we're sending each of you a Trailspace Top Reviewer of 2015 Camp Cup from Innate and an Ultralight Java Drip from GSI Outdoors. Drink up with pride on or off the trail!
Presenting 2015's Top 10 Reviewers:
Jeff Ediger |
Tyler (KiwiKlimber) |
Robin (Bentbrook) |
Bill S |
And the Rest of the Top 25 Honorees:

- Leah H. (Lah) of Florida
- Ashleigh McClary of South Carolina
- Andrew F. (leadbelly2550) of Maryland
- DLK37086 of Tennessee
- Sean Van Cleve of Maryland
- David Link of California
- Mike Gartman (trouthunter) of South Carolina
- OutdoorKelly of New Hampshire
- Jake W of Ontario
- JRinGeorgia of Georgia
- Cadenza of Tennessee
- John (LoneStranger) of Maine
- Patrick Mason (Patman) of Tennessee
- Jim51111 of New Hampshire
- Daniel Oates of Florida
Congratulations to all of the top 25 gear reviewers of 2015!
And a huge thanks to each of you who shared a review on Trailspace last year. We're incredibly thankful to have each of you as part of our outdoor gear community.
Top 2015 reviewers were based on the total number of reviewer reputation points earned as of December 31, 2015, for reviews written between January 1 and December 31, 2015.